Rate the transmog above you - part 14


Love the colors and think they fit very very well, especially the helm with the weapons, looks great. -2 points due to the belt and the red on the tabard. I don't think the belt works personally.
Looks Quite Moo i like all the different shades of green :D and your a green ork only i cant Moo your cloak but overall

8,25/10 id Moo

Looks quite crisp tbh. I like that gearcolor (white) matches the skintone. Makes the transmog come together quite nicely.

I would rate it 7.5/10
Very paladin, the legs look very retro though and the texture let's them down. Still a good mog. 7.5/10 <3
You have a very different looking mog, not at all paladin-ish but very classy 8/10
It all fits really well together - I can't stand Demon Hunters, but I can't fault the mog! 10/10
The theme is kind of interrupted with the mugs as weapons (i feel), but other than that it is definitely well put together. 8/10
8/10 Colors are matching really well. Your shoulders and weapon are a perfect match.
Nice black leather outfit, dark and "rougish", pretty generic but definitely good.
The white hilt is too bright for such colour combination though. Better to take something dark as well.
I like it's nature aesthetic, quite simple yet works. 8/10
oldschool with new cool head 7/10
7/10, It's mostly a full set, but that skin matches really good. Though I think you should have black or red hair to get it to match better!
Just looks a bit of a mismatch tbh. The shoulders and the bow fit but I think you need to change the legs and belt but it feels like you've got 2 sets going on

The gloves, boots and legs go well and the shoulders and bow goes well but together looks a bit off

Your armour looks pretty good but I don’t think your head and bow go well together with the rest of your armour.

About 6.5/7 out of 10
Hi sir^

I like your armour, but may i suggest the purple version of Leggings of the Undaunted from Odyn. Try to look at them in the ingame dressing room, they have boney kneepads that would look great with your gear.

I give you 6/10. 8/10 if you get the legs and remove tabard!
07/08/2018 07:18Posted by Veram
Hi sir^

I like your armour, but may i suggest the purple version of Leggings of the Undaunted from Odyn. Try to look at them in the ingame dressing room, they have boney kneepads that would look great with your gear.

I give you 6/10. 8/10 if you get the legs and remove tabard!

I like the set, just feel it would be much better with two weapons that are the same. I’ll give you a 6/10 for now, but with two weapons that are the same it would be an 8 or a 9.
6/10 notba fan of the shoulders, doesn't really fit and belt ruins your tabard
Cool one, 7/10
Looks good, but a bit too much change of colors for my taste 5/10