Rate the transmog above you part 3

@Dragia, simple, light-weight 9/10 :slight_smile:

Hmm you look like a weird mix between shaman/warlock and DK but definitely not a priest 4/10!

Apologies , High Priest Lynlarae but i have bad news.

I can give you a 3/10 because you are a female belf (which means there is potential for upgrade) and because i like your off-hand lantern but nothing else.

Besides that , helm-shoulders-gloves have nothin to do with robe and boots.
Colours dont match at all , neither the rest half set with a SP imo.

4/10 put them filthy toes away :rofl:

Colours match, but kinda looks more like a mage with a priest’s staff.
I also get a weird “Ehh, nothing special” vibe when looking at it.

Yeah i am gearing atm raiding eternal palace and mythic+ and Mechagon dungeon i’m a mix of everything. Don’t rate me! U look like Tyrande cool 8/10!

Nice! 9/10

@Chria, pretty simple human theme, but not so priesty 9/10. Overall feeling is good. :slight_smile:

Those gold eyes don’t match the armor set and u look like a shaman! 5/10

you are ein mage

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And got 10/10, even that “ugly” Benediction don’t fit you well :smiley:

Pretty sure your wearing most of a set and the tabard doesn’t work with it 2/10.

Lots of different colours. Very nice overall, although the helm’s rounded look doesn’t match to me with the more sharp edges of the shoulders, though the wings do frame the “halo” nicely. Also the gloves just don’t sit right, not 100% sure why, might be how much darker they are, and the “sharpness” of forearms.

8/10 overall though.

I have a feeling people will either love or hate mine.

@Ellipsis I like tabard and overall feel of the set, also look is very goblinous, but those flying shoulders, looks not on place. Also black gloves, belt and simple staff. 5/10 for other matching items with tabard :slight_smile:

@Alluera only 3 parts are from set Helm, shoulders and robe, but that is beautiful of fashion, for my taste tabard fit well this set and all is around to match the tabard :slight_smile: It’s my praise for Sylvanas

not bad I like colors and the original mix. 8/10

6/10 - it’s a classic look for priestesses of the moon (considering your name). But I don’t think the belt and staff’s yellow details fit the blue/white/silver on the rest of the mog. The shoes are also a bit off in color. But other than that I like it.

This one is actually really dope. I really dig it. May want to change the weapon and head but generally I like it a lot. 9/10

I really like the eyes effects with the helm ! and all fit well with a dwarf.


Unfortunately its just another sl*t mog 3/10

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Looks awesome on undead priest. 8/10