Rate the transmog above you part 3

I think you did a nice job making the orange and purple in your outfit work! Not pieces I'd think would match but they do and I like it. I hope you have a fitting illusion on your weapon, else that one might be a tad too simple.

8,5 / 10
Not absolutely breathtaking, but a nice concept. Plain/simple and the colors match very well. Maybe you can find a matching belt?
I like it.
Shoulders seems off,if they were bit black/gray it would look much better!
Nice set, look good on female undead.
9/10 Guess the hood really hurts them ears.
10/10 Looks very Holy :)
Was never fan of mop tmogs. Looks priesty enough for a 6/10
kinda done a lot though

Cool hat, but the weapon doesn´t match the rest
Weapons colour scheme is a little off from the rest
Overall decent 7/10
Looks very simple but still good.
A bit to warlocky for me

The only thing I dislike is the belt
Looks like witch doctor from d3 but smaller version :) in my opinion you can use a vodoo mask

Fitting for a Shadow Priest :) 9/10
8/10 don't really like the shoulders
5/10 I think the colors and the staff make you look like a warlock instead. (8/10 for a cool dark, sludgy, skully undead lock mog though! :D)
I don't like this shoulder but nice on a draenei
Oooo, I really like that -- fits a Blood Elf so perfectly :)

You did a really good job there with the xmog. Everything fits, even the title hehe.

Giving you a clear 10/10.
Good colour match. You look like a swedish priest. 10/10 for the accent and the outfit.