Real problems of Shadowlands and previous expansions


But is it good information to feed your brain with? I mean, what’s the angle on it? It’s heavily opinionated, and if it’s presented in a convincing manner, then it’s natural for people to adopt as their own opinions.
And both Belullar and Asmongold are good at focusing on problems and issues. So what does everyone else start seeing everywhere with WoW? Problems and issues!

Bad soup.

Right. I say all this because I am…or were…exactly like you. Just the opposite. For every wall of text you’ve written about the problems with WoW, I’ve written 100 walls of texts defending the game in some way or another. And spurred by the exact same desire to express my thoughts and opinions on WoW and share them with others and make compelling arguments and otherwise drown myself in this soup of WoW commentary.
But it’s not real. It’s just forum soup. Each post is not spurred on by specific gameplay experiences that acts as basis for feedback and opinion. It’s more enjoyment and identity and substituting WoW as a game with WoW as a subject. I haven’t played WoW today, but I’ve talked about it! Gives the same fix!

Anyway, as someone who’s spent ages in the bottomless lake of forum community discussions; consider swimming closer to the surface. If you get too far down, then it all starts to appear dark and there’s no way back up again. And your posts are starting to look pretty dark to me.

I don’t care what you think about me. You know though what I think about you but no worries I won’t repeat it.

Since I see some effects I’ll keep posting my feedback

I don’t agree with many things they say. I have my own brain and way of thinking and I bring my own thoughts on the topic. They are good at finding what’s wrong about the game because there are many things that are wrong. If you remind yourself who Belluar was in WoD and Legion you’d remember he was very enthusiastic but he started being so negative since BFA.

Btw didn’t you leave negative feedback on arena experience this expansion. I’m 99% sure you made something like that.

Also about “being like me” no you aren’t like me. I only leave posts when I leave feedback. You are basically responding to every topic you notice and it’s not “I were” it’s “I am”. You are basically addicted to forums and I’m 99% sure you spend more time here than playing the game.

To the OP I do not blame the developers, they are simply doing what they are told to do. I am sure they see how bad the game is nad want to change it, but remember WOW’s metric is monthly average user hours, so lets go back a bit.

In WOD, things were really bad coming off MOP, the expansion was not completely finished and the team decided to focus on Legion and left WOD unfinished as it was. So many players from MOP left during WOD. Many players came back in Legion. Legion had a great storyline I mean the return of Illidan and finally putting the legion to rest.

However Legion introduced borrowed power which was designed to keep those mauh metrics artifically bumped. After all if you are a gaming corporation that is losing players, you can always sell it to investors by saying well there are less players but the players who remain are spending hours upon hours in our game etc…

Then in BFA we have even more borrowed power and a grind to power up that borrowed power, which inflates the mauh metric. This continues in SL. So the issue is the game is being designed around this mahu metric.

What Blizzard refuses to see is that players will play the game and stay subbed if there are interesting things to do, without having a massive borrowed power grind to inflate the players monthly user hours. What Blizzard should do with this expansion and future ones:

  1. Have a main questline that every one follows to see how previous problems or issues in past expansions were tied up, wrap up character arcs, introduce new characters, the issues around the expansion, the zones etc…

  2. Once the main questline is finished, focus on players being able to level up their gear and specs (have questlines around these things).

  3. Include questlines to level up professions once #2 is finished.

  4. Have your initial dungeons and raids as usual, along with a new pvp experience. This could be a battleground etc.

  5. Future patches will have an additional dungeon and raid, with new questlines to further the story and character arcs, as well as quests for new gear and profession upgrades.

What new expansions and patches do not need are:

  1. More borrowed power

  2. Things that make the game unexplorable like the Maw for example, the no mounting and the eye of the jailer.

  3. Irrelevant professions and irrelevant gear

  4. Lack of progression feeling

  5. Lack of fun

Its really simple to keep an MMO going, Blizzard just has to make a few tweaks here and there.

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First and foremost DON’T have a lawyer as a game developer/director.

According to what Chris Kaleiki said in an interview there never was any direction for expansion design pushed by Activision. All decisions and changes that happened post WoD were autonomic devs decisions and if there was any Activision agenda pushed it was on Director (Ion’s level) because Chris said that he was never involved in such thing.

Very interesting eye opening interview mate.

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And where does Ion get his directions from?? Remember that Blizzard was going to release SL and it was not finished, it was Ion who had to go and tell the higher ups that they needed more time.

Who do we think made the decision to not have the last patch for BFA? Remember that these decisions involve money, labor, and time. While Ion has a great deal of say and influence, I am pretty sure the finance higher ups and the execs control what is released and when.

I don’t say he has but if there are any it’s not developer level.

Probably Ion or someone above him. The reason why it happened were wrongly allocated resources into systems that needed permanent fixing. From 8.1 every patch was there to fix Azerite Armors. While you are right there is weird coincidence of stupid chores and extended grinds in the game since Ion became game director and there is permanent problem with PvP treatment.

I agree with you, I wonder if he is simply trying to meet the monthly average user hours metric. After all that metric would more than likely determine the budget and resources devoted to WOW.

I think what Douglas Adams wrote about technology is true to the videogames and expansions

“I’ve come up with a set of rules that describe our reactions to technologies:

  1. Anything that is in the world when you’re born is normal and ordinary and is just a natural part of the way the world works.
  2. Anything that’s invented between when you’re fifteen and thirty-five is new and exciting and revolutionary and you can probably get a career in it.
  3. Anything invented after you’re thirty-five is against the natural order of things.”

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