Reminder that RBGS needs solo queue

lets go
with this we can push rate with any class/spec
and there wont be any bads/bots

Boost toked money probably.

No. It would be a different bracket. You’d only face other people from solo queue.


what would be the difference between solo rated bg and solo random bg ?? big brains, you just want free stuff and are jealous that you don’t get it immediately

what you’re asking for, is already in the game. it’s called random bg queue, if you think your “solo rated bg” queue would be something different, think again

Rating and matchmaking.

No. Random bgs have no rating and they aren’t solo (queuing solo has to be enforced and it is not).

Try reading before posting.


if you dont know the difference between solo queue competetive and solo queue casual i dont know what to say. like every serios game has it. It would be different to casual bgs. i dont say it would be the best experience, lets be real there were the same toxic player but aleast i could PLAY the game without beeing hours in LFG every day.

and reminder for u after we got PVP Vendor+ Gear upgrades + honor systems people are spamming bgs and having fun again in bgs. imagine u could spam RBGS and get at some point rating and more gear.


bump any post about soloq


bump for solo q and to count for vault
after seeing guild premaders ruining warsong brawl
give them their own premade brawl q


Agree with you, so BUMP.


RBg needs solo queue, give us it!


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