Remove dungeon cap for the first week!

Or skip straight through to Zangarmarsh if you’re naxx geared

Plenty of people will do that too, but this topic is now irrelevant as they removed the cap.
Is there a way to delete this thread?
Apparently not…

You can do that whatever gear you’re at if you enter at level 60. But I’m definitely not Naxx geared, levelled my first char in phase 1 and haven’t played it since, 2nd char after TBC was announced specifically for TBC, just done some PvP.

Zangarmarsh is going to be crowded too, that elite bog strider just south of the Cenarian base has I think a 10min spawn timer, can you imagine both factions fighting over a 10min spawn that only 5 people can do at a time… Brutal.

If you’re Naxx geared even more reason to do dungeons IMO, you will storm through them so fast.

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