Remove premades already

Why do you pvp then :joy:

Well if you’d actually read what I write, you’d know I like playing mass PvP.

But whats the point in playing pvp when you’re bad and don’t want to improve.

Why do you even care? If I’m getting carried anyway, I should make it easier for others to beat premades I’m in right?

Whats the point in being you lol? What are you getting out of it ? You say you’re bad, so I’d guess you die alot, so I’d guess you don’t have fun.
Why don’t you find something you like ? Like pushing keys ? It might suit you better ? I’m concerned :frowning:

Please don’t lie awake at night

Horde players that whine about premade non rated pvp is just sad.

Que as alliance for bgs. And half of your team is fresh dinged hordes that play merc. To get faster que.

If you wanna remove premade random pvp. Then remove merc. Que for Horde. Iam so sick of the carry. Again if you wanna play horde, stay Horde and welcome the 12 min bg que whit open arms.

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Please answer lol

How does that solve the premade problem ? Seems your problem is about queue time rather than premades…
What are you thinking exactly ? Queue faster, play faster, lose faster ?
Play alliance ? No thanks !

I told you, don’t lie awake pondering why I’m having fun in ebgs :joy:

Sorry but you lack any sort of respect and manners. You really need to recheck yourself if you’re going to start insulting and name calling people because of someone else’s gameplay.

You’re a grown person insulting because someone has replied to you they’re having fun playing with their friends lol.


What a sad human being.


Less QQ, moar pew pew

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Whats going on ? Why are those 3 morons here ? What’s so bad about that word ?
Not like I called him trash or anything…
Just answer the godd@mn question lol
Call your dogs back they’re scaring me…
Don’t get offended for just that, it’s not much !

Look, chas, ossi, pandora, they are nice people, but they are not my dogs… I’ll give my actual dogs a cuddle after this EBG though, and make sure they know they are loved when they go to sleep and don’t have to worry about why I’m having fun in EBGs

But he’s not having fun xD That’s why I was asking !


Look, nobody cares about these guys mate…Just answer the queeeestion !
Wish I had a dog…

Why? Am I not allowed to just have fun playing this game?

You don’t seem like a dog person

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But you do not have fun…
Have fun with me ! I’m way nicer than these dudes anyway !
I say dude a lot, but they can be anything really.

I’m having a lot of fun, otherwise I wouldn’t be doing ebgs :eyes: