Remove premades already

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Check the facts you speak about a bit better before posting. And leave the premades alone, people wanna play with friends, community members or guild members. If you lose a bg, queue up again, or try to make a group yourself.

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You are obsessed with voice chat. We never use voice chat when playing 10-15 player BGs and we continue to win the vast majority.

And by the way, 99% of the BGs we play are 10-15 player, so we will be mainly playing in groups of 5 players max.

It is enough to see the statistics of any of us to realize that.

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Try hards pandora premade sitting 24/7 in temple of hotmogu, not sure how many times i got em this week.

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As Nicarao has shown, you also lose when you meet us in solo queue.

“But… but… my team was undergeared pugs!!!”

It’s always some excuse, except yourself. :laughing:

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I checked the facts. Here are the facts:

Blizzard released a patch for WoW Classic today which removed the ability to determine the AV instance that “pops” for you when you queue for “First Available”. As expected, this throws a wrench into the works of addons like AVQ. It is now possible to queue up to 5 people simultaneously using the standard Blizzard AV UI, which is great news for the average player. I’m still investigating the best options to queue with more than that, but it doesn’t look like a “quick fix” is possible.


This is not something that we are encouraging, but it is also something that we currently have no realistic way to prevent. That being said, this is something that may change soon, which is why we always advise people to not use any type of add-on designed to circumvent or bend our balancing safeguards… using such add-ons can lead to severe account penalties!

This is Blizzard stance to “premades” aka playing with friends. Means if you queue with 1-4 friends you are ok. If you “bend balancing safeguards” ie queing with more, you are in the other corner.

And no, I won’t repeat it again.

And you are very obsessed with me. You were the insecure guy that told me to please don’t talk to anymore on the forums and now you want a discussion with me again after I prove you wrong last time?

I’m ok with that, but I already know how it ends: You put your opinion over facts again and leave the discussion with a forum break.
You sure wanna do this?

Sometimes u win and sometimes u lose if u play randoms it’s how it is.

But vs premade u never win, it’s all about what gear the team got and horde mostly sitting in full green gear no enchants :slight_smile:

Says the one who chases me through all the subforums

I just correct your false statements and I’m not the one who caved in and “forbid” me to talk to you!

Hey, Murb, you know your way around. There is a moonkin called deexz or something? Is he part of the premade?

In that case, someone should tell him he seriously needs to throw a potion of l2p. Never had a worse opponent on my undergeared pala.

Yea they sit premade 24/7 in temple atm.

That’s why you directly ignore the message I posted

I’m just correcting people. If you had said “the earth is flat” I felt the need to correct you too.
Improving the forum I’d call it.
As soon as you say something right, I won’t correct you, but applaud you.

We dont need you to correct us.

Start looking at the speck in your own eye rather than in someone else’s.

Talking to a WoW Classic character. Cause people need to hide for this.
Can’t beat saltyness

Sometimes everyone needs correction (everyone includes me).
I mean at least we agree that “being able to queue with friends” should be an option, but queing with a 10 man premade isn’t queing with friends (it’s against Blizzards game design)
You can be against that, but that’s opinion, not fact.

I understand the sentiment behind needing to hide one’s identity in some online forums. It’s important to remember that everyone has different reasons for wanting to maintain anonymity and it’s important to respect their choices. As for the “saltiness,” try to approach interactions in a constructive and respectful manner to foster healthy discussion.


Not interested. Thank you

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Post with your horde retail-character please, so I know who to focus on and make screenshots off the next time when I queue solo :kissing_heart:

Dêxzx :last_quarter_moon_with_face: :owl: :first_quarter_moon_with_face: can do the same what I did with Murbastic (and would do with you too, when you post your horde char names) :eyes: