In your case I’d rather invest in some “git gud” instead of winrate.
Why though? I don’t care about being good
Or social, or friendly, or …
What makes you think that?
I remember back in vanilla 2004-2006 (I think) I was always on the look out for premades at Orgrimmar where we would queue as a raid with 15 players for an Arathi Basin or more for an Alterac Valley in which there were no restrictions what so ever, now it seems you can do up to 5 players without relying on discord, I feel like they ought to implement a new mode accessible for everybody who can form up a team of their liking with its own composition without restrictions and perhaps re-implement the Call to Arms quests where you earn bonus honor on specific battlegrounds each week into a rotative system in which every week is one different instance, I believe this will encourage players to bring more social aspects into the PvP community. I’d like to hear out you guys opinions.
Dun’modr is a spanish server, not Dun’morogh. I’ve never seen any rusky there.
Just got vs u in bg, not going to stay vs premade with my blue geared team
I saw the honor lvls so i did suspect premade then i even saw u, then i knew it was a premade.
What is that?
Ironic considering the guy that made this thread whinning about premades also joins premades as hes in the same community’s im in.
Join them, dont queue when they want to play.
I did the same.
Means u joke also.
So you stay in the fight if you have a pre-made on your side that you didn’t join?
This is not even a discussion. Premades have to go from randoms. Randoms are for people to figure out what pvp is and how to move around in it. It’s their gateway into pvp and premades can definetely kill any motivation for a new to pvp player right away. The advantage premades have is too great over a group of random players.
Well, that’s just sad.
They’ll never remove premades and the lame tryhards who queue premades all day ruining the bg exprience for others will never stop doing it, its the little ego massage they need to make them feel somewhat adequate.
Only one solution, just dont play against it. Check for usual suspects, check for honor levels then /afk go do something else for 15 mins. you’ll save yourself time and grief.
Premades are fine, as long as they only face other premades.
Randoms shoud face randoms only though.
So funny coming from you.
You don’t even have kick bound (I saw you yesterday attempting to play enhancement). I can see why you’re glued to premades. Who else is going to carry you, because random people aren’t.
This deserves more attention from Blizz, if you wanna play with your friends, go to arena, no reason to ruin everyone’s fun for your little stack of poor people who couldnt do anything in a game on your own.
Friends = random people from PvP community group. The time when 10 actual friends got together for a BG is long gone.
Oh really? Literally getting back to back matches here where 5+ are from the same server. They still exist, and still need to be fixed accordingly but apparently noone sees fit to do so due to ignorance from players who actually deny that they have been doing premades since day 1.