They can’t post for what reason? Also have you had a look at the forum code of conduct lately? You’re about to get yourself banned also LOL.
Tbh i dont care if I get banned, i’ll continue reading y’all in the shadow and i’ll be happy anyway, if I didnt post or comment bf is just bc i dont want to. But you’re telling lies, and thats unfair right now.
You’ve come into an argument you know half the story of.
Delenis has been stalking and following my posts for the best part of a year. And the vast majority of which I blocked and ignored, but he still persists.
Do you not understand his obsession? To the point that he’s literally taken screenshots of an alt of mine in a BG, while he’s in a premade, screenshotting him winning vs me? The guy is an absolute freak. He got banned for HARASSMENT, and you’re sat defending him? Sit and think about that for a bit.
That’s why he’s banned for harassment. How badly do you want your TL to disappear? Because I think this thread might be the end of it.
Im talking about Haferet, not delenis. Reading is truly hard.
My TL is permanent my friend
You keep lying. Maybe you dont know why Delenis got banned here, but not for that. He’s banned for trolling in a political thread.
Humble pie is being served up. See ya in a few days
Maybe you two should figure out why your buddy is sitting around all day on his computer stalking people both on the forums and in game instead of being a condom for him to non-consensually verbally assault the forums that he is currently banned from.
I can promise you I won’t screenshot any of you weirdos when I encounter you in a BG
Namaste to you troubled souls
More a statement of facts. If i were to lose my TL for a bann i would have lost it over the years multiple times but alas certain TLs are permanent by nature. Such as the one the legion testers received. Also alt flagging is also a bannable offense in case you have forgotten annie
Odds for you to encounter me in a BG are 0.000000001% anyway. And thats a generous estimate.
Did you think you were being slick naming another one of my alts?
Check-PvP has been around for years.
Nah. More a case of this toon of yours being more known, so i will adress you with that one from now on.
More known? I have more posts on my lock than hunter. But the fan behaviour is making my head massive. Be careful, my head wont be fitting through the door soon, and I won’t be able to take a massive fat dump in your honour.
I’m glad you unmasked Nancy, the goblin female pvper in the guild Frog Gang, as secretly being Annie, the goblin female pvper in the guild Frog Gang. I never would have got that one myself
My mask has been removed. I have been shown for who I truly am. Annie the great, tamer of all pets, creator of all wholesome threads, greenest of all butts.
When i said get some new material I also said at least try to be entertaining. This is at best yawn worthy.
Imagine ranting about some bad player for so long that it could be dubbed a crusade instead of just putting his butt on ignore
Leeches is both very entertaining and smarter than you. And for the record - I figured out Nancy was Annie before you. Be faster next time.
Still low tier. Try harder.
Oh no! but earlier you were saying how entertaining this thread was!
Oh well, I hope Delenis has more screenshots of me so you can link us. I’d love to have more of myself saved being heroic to my SSD.
Also, you will be my first priority when I release my latest thread on Annie so you can be the first to reply. Mwuah
Bro you’re not even a real person - you literally only exist because someone else wanted to post something but couldn’t. You are an ethereal, intangible, non-existent entity that will cease existing the moment Delenis gets unbanned.
Sorry to break it to you.