Ret/Holy Pala LFG

Hey everyone

I’m a Ret Pala with a Holy offspec, returning to the game after a very long break. My ilevel is currently in the 360’s - so far behind. I’m looking for a friendly raiding guild with a good social atmosphere in which to play catch up. I’m not asking for a gear boost, but friendly players who could help point the way for me to improve myself would be fantastic!

When I was playing I frequently found myself with purple/orange parses, so I’m pretty decent when it comes to playing Ret - however, after so long away it can be somewhat overwhelming getting back into the swing of things. I joined a random BG last night to test some addons and was immediately told to leave to BG because of my ilevel. Was a nice welcome back!

I’m a friendly guy, ticking all the boxes of being a good guildmate; showing respect, having a good sense of humour, always being willing to chip in and help others where I can and knowing how to prepare for raids.

So if there is any guild out there willing to take on a lowbie in terms of gear, please leave a response below and I’ll get back to you.

Hi, our guild has a range of people playing alts and leveling characters so you won’t be alone on that journey (or grind!).
Raid Cat has a good social atmosphere, even when several people jump over to Classic WoW - because we all keep in touch on Discord. We regularly play games, make fun raid related newsletters and try to keep a sense of humour whether casually playing or focusing on raids.
Whether you want to return to raiding, get going in m+ or just get to grips with your class again, your guild mates are always around to help out and support you.
You can learn a little more about us (and our cat obsession) here: http: //raidcat. weebly. com/ meet-us (remove the space)
If you want to raid or see what our raiding requirements are (and how we approach raiding) you can apply here:
https: //tinyurl. com/ y24n2wgm (remove the space again) or just click the Social option, fill in your contact details and we’ll get in touch.
Hope to speak soon,

I could give you a spot with us in Arathi-Five-O. No need to apply, happy to chat with you in game, Clairemary#2203 . Hope to hear from you soon!

Hiya, really liked the openness of your post so I thought I’d leave a message and throw my hat into the ring so to speak. We have been an active guild on this server since 2007 so we have seen pretty much everything there is to see as a guild but remained strong through it all because we have a great group of people and are picky about the people we allow to join us. We do have raiding teams (2 with differing skill levels) and we do M+ etc but the biggest part of what makes the guild a success is we are lucky enough to just have a really nice group of people. Something stood out from the way you wrote your post that made me think you might just fit right in perfectly with us :slight_smile: Add me if you’d like to chat Asta#2730 (Our guild is called Fury btw, in case you wanted to look us up!)

Hi there!

If you haven’t found a home yet, maybe our guild could be of interest? :slight_smile:

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