Retail Pandamonium event and MoP Classic?


Well seems they are bringing back MoP back in the form of a timewalking expansion.
I don’t know how I feel about this in regards to classic. Cata will have a lifespan of about a year, which isn’t long even for a classic expansion, and after we’re supposed to get MoP classic… or so I thought.

We essentially get the entire expansion already in retail, on a different server, like plunderstorm (so you can’t go to post mop zones I presume) so why would they give us MoP classic? this seems a bit weird to me.

Or they could use this to hype up MoP classic, giving retail players a taste? I honestly don’t know how this will impact classic.

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There’s already a thread here. I guess we posted at the same time.

A blue post will be welcome.

Yeah I presume we did.

The question is important … so, the retail players will get Mists of Pandaria before us, in a sense, even as a limited event. But then BC Classic and WOTLK Classic were limited events with no era servers…

Anyway, my logic is: since we’re getting one of the most hated expansions in WoW history, it would only make sense this happens because one of the most loved ones is imminent.

Wai what do you mean with ‘most hated’? Hating on cata is a meme at this point, especially after WoD (imo not 100% justified), BfA and SL. I mostly see hype for cata, both on these forums and ingame.


What’s coming to retail is basicly MOP SOD. Nothing much to do with original MOP tbf.

That thing may be only 2-4 month before Saga release on retail