Retired - Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope 9/9 HC

OP updated with current progress and recruitment.

The Conclave party was a real rave, let’s see if Rastakhan is up for more.

OP updated, now 6/9 HC. Rastakhan was a nice chill out session after Conclave. Now to melt my mind on Mekkatorque… purple chicken…red spanner…

OP updated with current progress of 8/9 HC.

OP updated with current recruitment and progress. HC Jaina defeated, on to the Crucible of Storms!

OP updated with current progress and recruitment. Get in for the HC Uu’nat kill (fingers crossed please) and in prep for Patch 8.2!

Hey :slight_smile:

May consider this guild - seems fairly laid back and a step back from the hardcore environments I’ve been in for the last year or 2.

Here’s what we’ve been looking for:

Hi guys! Glad to see you are considering us. In terms of your linked post, we are definitely not a mythic progression guild. Our aim each tier is to get Ahead of the Curve from clearing Heroic. No issues with Luan being social in the time being, joining as and when, maybe with more full time down the line if it suits.

I can’t attest to if Arathor is high population enough though. Its been my home for seventymillion years so nothing to compare to.

OP updated with current progress and recruitment. Uu’nat is no more on Heroic! Bolstering ranks in the lead up to 8.2, which is “soon” apparently.

OP updated with current progress and recruitment. Getting stuck into the Eternal Palace.

OP updated with current progress. Working on that Za’qul, Harbinger of Meni Realms.

OP updated with current progress and recruitment. Lets go Azshara ho!

OP updated. And we’ve done it, Azshara is down on Heroic!

Come join us for whatever may wait on the horizon!

Hey, i was wondering if you guys would be planning to step into mythic? If you do i might be interested to join with my balance druid (ilvl 432) :grin: if you still need people that is

Hi Sélucia,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, I was /afk in RL!
Sorry to say we don’t have any plans to start looking at mythic anytime soon.
I hope you find what you are looking for out there though!


OP updated. 8.2.5 is here, and what exactly is Sylvanas up to? Join us next time in 8.3 to find out!

Our scheduled raiding is currently on a break until the anniversary event/8.3 launches, however recruitment will remain open in preparation for Ny’alotha!

8.3 is here! Recruitment is back open, ready for getting into Ny’alotha the Waking City next week!

OP updated with current recruitment and progress. 3/13 down on Heroic with some promising progress on Shad’har and Xanesh!

OP updated with current progress, 5/12 down on Heroic!
Progress on Drest’agath and Hivemind underway!

OP updated with current progress, now at 8/12 HC.
Progress on Vexiona, ho!