Returning 369 Elemental/Resto Shaman LF decent raiding guild

Hey guys,

After 3 month brake im back into wow and im looking for nice raiding community guild. I would like to play and raid until last tier without stopping so i want to find same steady mature no drama guild. Im bit out of shape so im doing mythic plus dungeons getting in shape and waiting for BOD.My goal is to clear HC and do as much mythic bosses that can we do. I can raid any day except thrusday currently but that will change soon as Dinamo Zagreb gets knock out of Europa league :wink: If you need me pls add Rokglumac#2916. ty and cya

Yo Andraa! We are very interested in a ranged DPS with an OS and ability to heal. This is my recruitment: [H-Draenor] DHX - Heroic and mythic raiding We raid 2 days a week at present, clearing through our farm mythic, progressing further and clearing heroic if there’s time. Best to read the post and if it interests you give me an add on battletag LAORII#2787, or one of the other officers listed in the post. Cheeeeeeers! :slight_smile:

About Us
We are two retired hardcore raiders who have decided to raid on relaxed schedule, because of irl.
We are looking for like minded people, who want to raid on relaxed schedule and still be able to push cutting edge in reasonable time.

What are we looking for?

  • You must have 100% attendance, we dont over recruit, so be online in time!
  • Its mandatory to have fully optimized character like best traits, enchants and enough flask and potions, before you enter the raid.
  • We do not babysit people, so you have to be performer who come prepared for the raid.
  • We dont care about numbers, we do care about mechanics. If you do them, there is no problem. During farm we will play for logs. During progression you are not allowed to focus on your DPS.
  • We do NOT require an alt.
  • Most important for us! You must be friendly and attempt to make every raid a positive experience for everyone.

Our goals
Considering this is a new project, our goal is just to push cutting edge.
We do not aim for a certain world rank for the first raid, it is important to build a solid raidgroup without big egos and maintain a laid back atmosphere

Raid days:
*Friday: 19:30-23:00
*Sunday: 19:30-23:00
We do never extend our raid hours.

If you are interested, the easiest way to get in touch with us is to do our pretty straightforward apply.

Application form: Contact me on bnet: Neumann#21186

Have a nice day and hope to see you soon! :slight_smile:

Hi Andraa!

I’m going to comment personally then drop in my guild blurb below. We totally understand your thought process with the wanting no drama, I think anyone who has played WoW long enough has experienced their share! But our goals seem to align with yours, and we’re constantly gearing people up for mythic+s and new raid content.

We’d love to have a chat if you’re interested though. And I’ll pop the guild blah blah stuff down below.

And here’s the guild recruitment info if you want more details

Who are we?
The Eighth Sin are a mature, friendly guild who don’t take ourselves too seriously. We are a raiding guild, and we raid two nights a week, with a third scheduled day (not mandatory) for mythic plus, normal raids, etc. We are not aiming to be the best out there (though that would be great), but we are trying to consistently make progress and grow as a team. We arrange activities outside of raids for the guild as well, PvP, other PvE, mount and transmog farming, etc.

As you see in most posts these days, our old guild suffered from the ‘only online for raid’ syndrome a lot of the time. We’d like to make sure that’s not the case here and are looking for people who want to be active and enjoy the game with us. Most of our players have been playing since Vanilla and BC. But don’t let that put you off if you haven’t been! We are open to anyone. We are happy to help teach you the ropes as well if you’re a newer or returning player who wants to raid or do old content but feels a bit overwhelmed. But attitude is super important to our team, as we want everyone to enjoy themselves.

We raid two nights a week, and run Mythic + almost every day, with an aim to get everyone their +10 every week for gear at least.

We know that since we’re all adults real life takes precedence and that you may miss raids, or turn up a little late every so often. We understand. And the only thing we ask is you let us know on Discord so we can make sure we expect it!

Raiding times

Raid nights: Monday & Wednesday
Raid time: 20:30 - 11:30 Server Time

Alt / Mythic Plus / Normal night: Friday
Time: 20:30-11:30 (not mandatory to be there, or there the whole time, this is just about enjoying time together in other content)

What are we looking for?

  • Any Ranged DPS (Especially Warlocks, Mages, and Shamans)
  • Melee DPS ( Death Knights, Demon Hunters, Warriors)
  • Healers (Shamans, Priests, and Druids - but again we are open to any)*
  • Are you social but want a chance to run the content as well? Join us and run on our alt days!
  • Show up on time so we get as much time in the raid as possible
  • Bring your own flasks, pots, food
  • Have your gear gemmed and enchanted before raid

If your class isn’t listed here please do contact us, because we are really trying to build out our core raiding team as we have just started the guild. We have a solid base to work from but we need to flesh out our ranks. So we are open to any good applicant (even if currently undergeared or new to the game and ready to progress).

Contact info
Niambh - Niambh#2511
KrazyKai - Kai#2842

We will have a website shortly, but in the mean time just reply here or give us a shout on Battlenet.

Hi Andraa,

Remnants of Valhalla on Dragonmaw Hordseside are currently looking for a Elemental or Resto Shaman for raidteam when BOD hits.

We consist of a close group of friends and friends of friends, that have been raiding together since Vanilla TBC and beyond, getting to learn new like minded players on the way , we now have our current raidteam

We did 8/8 HC Uldir and 2/8 Mythic

We are doing several M+ groups throughout the weekly resets.

Our Raid days are Wednesday and Sunday from 20.00 - 23.00 ST.

I took the liberty to add your Btag in case you want a chat and hopefully we will see eachother ingame


Hey Andraa,

The Mandy Few on Draenor is recruiting and you have pretty much described what we are!
Added you for a chat, however here is our post if you want to read :slight_smile:

Either way, all the best.
