Returning Hunter LF Casual Heroic Raid Team (1-2 Days)

Hi Myimoon

If you’ve restarted on EU servers, Soul Crusaders might be what you’re looking for :slight_smile:

We’ve been around for almost 18 years and we’ve always valued the people behind the keyboard, over the pixels. We’re a friendly guild whose members enjoy M+ and raiding (we start with Normal raid and progress into HC raid, aiming for AotC). If there;s enough interest, we’ll happily dip our toes into early Mythic bosses, but if there’s not enough interest, we don’t :slight_smile:

We also have quite a few members based in / near the NL, too :slight_smile:

We’re looking for team-minded people who enjoy doing content with fellow guildies.

If you’re interested, please do get in touch :slight_smile: You can either contact me directly:
Btag - sheira#1910
Discord - Lakshmii#0552 (or just lakshmii now i think)
Or you can join our server and apply straight away (Please note most of our guild discord is gated behind member access, so there isn’t much for you to see as a guest)

Here’s our recruitment thread