Returning player (H) mage LF guild

Hi there! I’m a returning player.
I haven’t really played since legion. And now I’d like to find a guild to call home again. I like to raid, do mythic + and chill with my guild.

I’m experienced in several classes but really prefer to just play mage as I find it the most enjoyable. :slight_smile:

My previous experience is 10/11M in antorus (I quit before argus was killed) but progressed a few phases on him. Been raiding since vanilla and raided every expansion except wotlk and cataclysm. The guilds i’ve been in have been anywhere between world top 100 - 1000.

Transfer is possible.

Do leave a reply here if you think I’ll fit in with you guys! :slight_smile:

Hello Dirks,

We are looking for another mage in our roster.
Physix is a guild on zenedar, bladefist, frostwhisper that raids 2 days a week and we aim to get back around rank 1500-1200 again this tier and top 1000 in shadowlands.
Add me on realid for a chat Swyxia#2707

Hey Buddy,

Feel free to check out the above :slight_smile:

Guild PvE is in need of mage any spec is welcome , prefer fire /arcane
we are atm on heroic but moving to mythic raidng…

We are on Draenor Horde so yea … if you are interested … let me know

If you’re still looking for a guild /w me on my bnet MilanGrujic#1256 and I’ll make sure to give you more details :slight_smile: