Returning player LF a new home

Hi Ryan

I run a Horde guild on the Connected realms of Lightbringer/Mazrigos and it sounds like we might be the new home you’re looking for.

We’re essentially a casual raiding/social guild comprising adults aged 18 and up, although the majority are a tad older :stuck_out_tongue: Most of us have jobs, families, dependants and real life commitments and play WoW to relax and have a bit of fun.

Our members have a wide range of interests, including the usual M+ and raiding (we organise two raids a week, usually a combination of Normal and Heroic on a Wednesday and Friday evening), along with collecting achievements, pets, transmogs and essentially anything else you can do in WoW.

We have a relaxed attitude and love for people to try new things with us.

If you’d like to find out more, please visit our realm post: [H] Dark Wolves - 18+, Casual Normal/Heroic raiding, M+ & Social

Whatever you decide, and wherever you go … good luck!

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