Returning Player LF Guild

coming back to the game for 8.2 looking for a HC raiding guild that does mythic + is well, i am a melee dps player with most melee specs capped and a few geared around 395+ (i left the game pretty early on into the 2nd raid due to guild dying out)

you can add my realID: Baine#21763

Hello Baine,

Digital Doom is recruiting any Ranged DPS, we are a friendly/wierd bunch from all over Europe.
Feel free to take a look at:
Forum: (H) <Digital Doom> Recruitment page
Website: digitaldoom(dot)uk

Hello Exotic are looking for players like you that are coming back to play BFA. Add my btag. Wingman#2139

As of right now when the new raid hits we will do Friday/Saturday but this will change depending on who can do what

Hi if your still loking check us out and see if we would be a good fit :smiley:

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