Returning player looking for a home for DF

Looking for a guild home for the next expansion - preferably a 2-night N/H guild; Alliance or Horde I don’t mind as I’ll probably re-roll.

Please see my other post below :slight_smile:

Hey there! =)

I’m GM of Ministry of Silly Wipes, and I think it sounds like you’d fit in well here!
Please have a look at our thread which I’ve linked, and if you like the sound of us, or have any questions, please feel free to add me for a chat!

Discord: xWestie#9361
BNet: Westie#2496

Hi there,

maybe we might be something for you:

Sounds perfect! Have sent you a discord friend request for a chat.

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Check us out then!


If you already have not found a guild suitable for you and do not mind a Horde guild/community with raid times on Wed/Thurs from 20:30 to 23:30ST and some casual m+ over the weekend, then Punished might be the place for you.

The “long” list of what we provide can be read (if you have the time) from our main recruitment post: [Tarren Mill/Dentarg] Punished (cross realm/faction) guild is recruiting (or is open to collab. with another guild) - #4

But other than that, feel free to give me a pole on discord if you want to know more.
Discord: Mari#6813

Hey Rel. So first of all good luck finding what you’re looking for. I have recently moved to Ragnaros due to a few motives and decided to start a guild with the goal of having a stress free, fun guild.

And here it is:

Goldshire Dancers Union [H] is finally here to uphold the dignity of the world’s oldest trade. Our revolutionary approach to gaming involves lots of fun and negotiable clothing. What’s not to like???

A new guild on Ragnaros we aim to start raiding during the pre-patch but will look to get going as soon as we can. We’re now just leveling chars and those at cap doing the usual M+ and slowly growing our numbers.

Due to our, eeerrrrrr, professional commitments in Goldshire we don’t have a TON of time, so we’re shooting for shorter raids. We are not getting CE, that’s kinda settled, but aiming for AoTC and potentially a few Mythic bosses at a relaxed pace. So raids will be twice a week, 19:00 to 20:30 ST.

M+, transmog runs, lap dances and other shenanigans will of course happen too.

So join us now, JOIN THE FIGHT! And let’s have fun in this game again.

Hit Lepanto#2853 or Discord Lepanto#4381 if you need medical help and want to learn more or join us!

Thanks for the replies, everyone - I’ll be making contact with those I haven’t yet, just to discuss things further, once I’m back at my PC.

Still open to discussions with any other guilds too - I am open to any role / class, and faction, if I find the right mob to hang out with :slight_smile:

Hi - have sent a request; your discord name#number didn’t work for me.

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Hi Mari - have sent you a discord request :slight_smile:

Got it mate. Talk to you soon!