Returning player looking for new adventures (swe/eng, any class/faction)

Hi there!

I’m a 30+ dude that’s been playing off and on since vanilla. Legion is the last expansion where I did more than just getting a character to max level. During legion I did mythic raiding and I’ve raided the hardest content in several earlier expansions. All of my friends play other kind of games that I don’t find that interesting or fun anymore so I’m returning for Dragonflight and I’m looking for a new WoW-home.

What I’m looking for:

I’m first and foremost looking for English or Swedish speaking people (guild) to play the game and hang out with. Preferably people that’s a bit older like myself. Getting a social setting during boring weeknights. Since I’ve been away from the game for so long it will take some time to relearn how to play, it would be cool to do that and learn and discover DF with some chill people.

I would like to do some raiding on a 2 days/week schedule. Focus on HC to get back in the game but wouldn’t mind trying and pushing some mythic.

I’m also looking to do more m+, I never got into it before more than doing a few pugs but it looks like something I would enjoy. Would like do do more than just finishing a weekly key for gear.

What you’ll get:

I’ve yet to decide what to play as a main character, mostly I’ve been looking at tanks and healers. I can’t stand long waiting times to get in groups but if I find a group of people to play with I’m open to playing any role/class.

I will always try to keep up on how to play my class/spec as best as I can. I will be active, showing up for raids, also doing activities outside of raiding like m+ and other stuff that people might wanna do. I’m always trying to be helpful to the people I’m playing with.

I’m very humble and I see no prestige in being flawless. I know that I, and the people I’m playing with will make mistakes and that’s fine, the game wouldn’t be fun for me if it was just a walk in the park. I don’t mind wiping and struggling with ingame challenges. I’m here to have fun, to do something relaxing that I enjoy and I won’t let a game affect my temper. If it did, I would do something else.

If this sounds interesting feel free to add me @ synchrosonik#2142 to have a chat.

Hi, there mate! What a great post! Let’s chat? :slight_smile:

Tjaba! Vi är en helsvensk guild som har det du beskriver! Vi är ett skönt gäng som lirat tillsammans länge men som nu letar efter förstärkning inför Dragonflight.
Adda mig på om du skulle vilja veta mer :slight_smile:

Hello, we are active and currently recruiting for Raiding, Mythic + on Dragonflight.

We moved from a different server to Ragnaros so we are still forming the roster but we already have enough people to raid heroic. Will be waiting for you!

We raid on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 20:30 to 22:30

Battlenet: OTPLoreTTV#2871