Returning player

Hey, as the topic suggests, I’m an old player (been playing since tbc days)

I work a lot of hours and have and don’t normally get online to around 20.15 ST id love to find a guild that does Mythic+ and some heroic raiding not looking for any mythic raiding
will be playing either mage or boomkin still lvling

A bit about me. I’m 31, from the UK and like I mentioned above I’ve been playing since TBC
I raided consistently up till Legion in a variety of roles and cleared most content while it was in the current tier before my daughter was born and I no longer had time. I’m not an elite player but I’m competent enough to do a good job and I’m always open to feedback and pointers.

Anything else, just ask. I’m currently on the horde side but I’m happy to realm/faction change if the right guild/project comes along. I’ve also not locked in a main for shadowlands but it will more than likely be the Mage. boomkin

Thanks in advance,


Discord, Naught#5076

Hi Kirohs

Added you to my Discord should you want to have a chat :slight_smile:


I’ve added you to Discord for a chat =)

Hi Andrew

I’m guild leader of Dark Wolves, a horde guild on the Connected realms of Lightbringer/Mazrigos and it sounds like potentially we might be what you’re looking for.

We’re a casual raiding/social guild established 2007, made up of adults 18+ although the majority are older - many with families and responsibilities irl, just looking for somewhere to chill online.

We raid Normal and Heroic raid levels only, currently working our way through Heroic. We’re definitely not the fastest or the best out there, but we do have fun.

We raid twice a week, Wednesday (21:00 ST) and Friday (21:30 ST). We also have a fairly active discord and plenty of people running various levels of M+.

We’re also made up of a bunch of altaholics and those who love collecting achievements, pets, mounts and just about anything else that can be collected :stuck_out_tongue:

If this sounds like it might interest you, please visit our realm forum post for more information: [H] Dark Wolves - 18+, Casual Normal/Heroic raiding, M+ & Social

Whatever you decide, and wherever you go, I wish you luck.

Hey there, if you’re still on the look out for a new guild then check out our recruitment post! We have two raid teams, one of which is heroic which might be of interest to you. We also have a lot of M+ runs. 💥 [A][Silvermoon] [H][Draenor]<Fury> CROSS FACTION MYTHIC RAID TEAM LF SHADOW PRIEST WITH HEALING OFFSPEC - #21 by Zerofoxx-silvermoon

Hi kirohs,

We might be what you are looking for. Soul Crusaders (A, Turalyon-Doomhammer) have been around since 2007 (with a 3 year hiatus 2017-2020). We’re a friendly relaxed raiding guild who also enjoy M+.
We’ve only recently gotten back into raiding with our new guild roster and have thoroughly enjoyed it. We’ve explored normal and HC Sanctum.
We’re a mix of experienced and new players and most of us are in our 30’s and beyond, so fully understand life’s commitments and busy-ness :slight_smile:

Our raid nights are Sun and Tues, we run M0-7 on Thurs nights and +8 and above on Friday nights. Invites start around 21:15 server time and the runs end at 23:00 server time (some flexibility on Friday nights, haha). We’ve paused raiding but look forward to returning in the new year.

If you’re interested, message me on sheira#1910 (I have sent a request) or you can visit our website and pop an application in: (http://)soulcrusaderseu(.)enjin(.)com Although most things are done through Discord now, our old website is still in use, too :slight_smile:

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Added you for a chat :slight_smile:

Dear Andrew,

If you have stumbled upon us, then I hope this post finds you in good spirits, and that you might be curious about who we are! are a guild built around casual raiding, we are currently 10/10 HC in Sanctum of Domination.

We are opening the board to DPS and healers. Prefer you to have decent progress into the tier, (be as close as, if not have 8/10 HC - feel free to ask anyways as we know pugging it’s always viable).

We plan to do achievements in the coming weeks, have a small break for Xmas and be back to HC in 2022 (while preparing for 9.2).

If this sounds like something you want, drop us a message!

Raid Days (Server Time/ CET):

Thursday: 20:00 - 23:00

Sunday: 20:00 - 23:00

5-8 minute break half-way into our raiding hours!

What we can offer:

We respect that IRL stuff of our members such as work, school or family related activities are peoples priorities and that raiding comes second!

We aim for Curve, and don’t feel mythic raiding is an easy shoe to fit for our casual style, but if players want to dabble with mythic in their free time, some of us may join you!

A guild with a fun and a lively raid environment

Dedicated guildies with a focused mind-set

Helpful guildies on classes, tips etc

What we expect:

A friendly & dedicated player

Raiders who turn up on time. We usually send invites out 10 to 15 minutes before raid, if you’re going to be more than 5 minutes late, let an officer know.

Full enchants, consumables. You can always have materials ready and I’m sure one of our guildies can craft any of the above if you ask nicely

A player who understands and respects the casual orientation of our raid, IRL comes FIRST

Knowledge of your class or showing a willingness to learn

Listen and respect to your fellow raider and leaders

We are not meta slaves. Heroic means we have the flexibility to adapt some tactics to the unique skill set our roster offers. Be open minded that sometimes we can be a little unorthodox!

We want to play to the best of our abilities and have as much fun as we can while doing so. From this we hope to learn from others and meet new friendly faces to add to our growing team. We also have an active discord server with members chatting regularly, whether it’s casually talking, doing dungeons or even playing different games.

To apply for raiding, please contact the following people in game:

Sindrasa or Lenil

Or add the following Battle Tag:


I have also added you on discord. Speak to you soon!

-Your friendly holy priest, Sindrasa.