Returning RP'er - Looking for tips, guilds and/or connections

Yoooo, Draenei shammy here. Gonna start off with a quick summary: Primarily looking for an adventuring/artifact hunting RP guild and/or groups who are chill and positive OOC, tho I do have a couple other concepts that might be fitting for military/mercenary guilds if I like the look of them.

So, hey. Been away for awhile and am looking to get back into the swing of things after a lot of procrastination. As mentioned above, I RP a Draenei and I primarily wanna find a guild that does adventuring/artifact hunting, not necessarily looking for a Draenei centric guild tho not completely opposed to it if one appears truly piques my interest, and the same applies to military guilds. Also without getting too much into the character he has seen and done a lot, and likely won’t fit within tame or timid groups. That isn’t to say he’s super violent, but definitely more on the grey side of things.

One thing on an OOC level I’d also like to stress is that I’m wanting to find a guild that facilitates a strong positive environment, quality is important to me too, but I’ve been in enough guilds in which people intentionally cause drama or just spew negativity to know that it isn’t really an environment I wanna spend time in.

I’ve also been kind of toying with the idea of just tagging along with certain guilds and/or groups of people as just kind of a elemental guide or protector for something in return, like artifacts or something basic like shelter. Examples would be helping guide people through dangerous terrains like a desert, or creating fortifications for others in a combat scenario. Problem is I’ve been out of the loop for awhile so I don’t really know or have an awareness of any of the guilds around atm or really know anyone from when I last played a couple years back, so any advice on this front would be extremely helpful and appreciated.


just putting a +1 because that also seems like a very interesting idea, and id be willing to use existing characters i use or perhaps new ones. :smiley:
(not to hijack of course, just add to.)


Welcome back!

Artifact-hunting, you say? Not to toot my own horn too much but I hear the Cursekeeper Association is a fine gaggle of folk who travel around the realms, “combating” magical phenomena often caused by more or less (often more!) dangerous magical curios and artifacts. Link to the guild thread proper: [Neutral] [RP] The Cursekeeper Association - Wielding Power for a Brighter Future!

Looking at the current first page of the forums here, there are quite a few very fine candidates for an adventurous type. The Sisterhood of the Serpent and the Meridian Edict, I hear, are very fine guilds, for example!


Hello and welcome back!

From what you describe your character, Meridian Edict could be a good fit! We aim to explore the mysteries of Azeroth and make it a better place - as well as create a safe and welcoming place both IC and OOC!

You can read more about us at the link here. We also like to rp a few times with people who may be interested to join before they are recruited IC, to see if our characters would be good as a part of one “Edict family” - the best place to meet us would be at Solstice Bazaar, the Edict’s travelling shop!

Thank you for mentioning us! Really glad that you think so!


Consider it un-hijacked. :wink: It’s fine though, dw. If you’ve got any characters in the works or existing ones I wouldn’t mind workshopping some ideas.

And cheers for these Beri and Dae! Will check those out. It’s also kinda nice just seeing he friendliness between guilds as well. I unfortunately can’t reply individually so will just do it here, but yeah genuinely appreciate it.


Hey welcome back.

If you’re still looking for a guild that is based around adventuring and treasure/artifact hunting. I know there is a dracthyr on lionsrest a lot of the evenings recruting for that sort of guild.

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