Returning Shammy healer lf weekend raiding/m+ guild

Hello people reading my post,

I’m a Resto shammy since Wod. Obviously i haven’t done any raiding this expac as you can see on my Raiderio. Also i have been active this expansion just not a lot, most of the time i was being a casual. :sweat_smile: I did raid in Legion, but also not that hardcore. It was also kinda on HC and most of all I did m+. So yeah I’ve been out of raiding for 2expacs if you look at it that way. :sob:

To talk a bit about myself I’m half Portuguese half Belgian 25 year old lad. The languages I speak are Portuguese, Dutch (both native), English, (one i won’t mention since i don’t want any quarrel :fearful:: ). I work in shifts hence why I’m looking for a weekend raiding guild.

Oh I’m also not afraid to talk. I momentarily don’t have any TS or Mumble installed. I do have discord. :rofl:

If i have left out any blurs don’t hesitate to reply on the post or contact me in-game.

Thank you for having taken your time reading this post.

Goodbye or till soon,


Hi there, are you still looking for a guild? I think you’d really enjoy our guild :slight_smile: [H] <Lost Rowsdowers> Social Raiding Guild 8/8 HC - Recruiting

Hi there Totomist

retaliate are currently looking for some friendly and reliable players to bolster are numbers going into Mythic, we are currently 8/8h raiding two days a week fri/sun 8-11pm server time. the rest of the week we run lots of mythic plus from 8s to 15+, where always looking for nice friendly players to join us whether just for mythic plus, raids or having a laugh in chat

If interested you can wisper me in game
Mÿstie, shíka or just ask someone for one of are other officers
You can add me on battle net if ur interested Setana#21724

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