Rhan'ka's Escape Plan Toy

Aaaaaand it’s hotfixed!


Might want to post a link just incase nobody believes you .

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Thank you for hotfixing, Blizz. Case closed.

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No minmaxer will use Nitro Boosts. They’re just a speed potion on double the CD. Saves you money at best =)

Yup, who really didnt expect this to be nerfed? Alliance had nothing to worry about.

Kinda dumb when you see how much demon hunters can exploit the exact same mechanic at an even more exploitable level.

but this allowed all classes. and it had far more thrust.

The thrust is negated by the additional height available to demon hunters.

I don’t think you’re looking at the DH glide vs. Goblin Glider from the right perspective. Yeah, you could do some cool skips with the glider, and yeah you can maybe do some with DH glide too. But a DH-glide-skip isn’t worth much unless your whole group is demon hunters.

A Goblin Glider skip doesn’t require anything from your composition at all. Just buy the consumable, no different from an invisibility potion. I guess Blizzard didn’t want to balance around gliders. The speed boost is dramatic as soon as there’s a downhill slope, and sometimes you can even skip mobs by flying far over them. Hell, in Legion beta (before they disabled gliders in instances) you could skip from the second elevator in VotW to Cordana’s door with a glider.


Where are all the alliance cry babies now claiming horde racials are OP? Night elf racial is literally 10 times more OP than any race for M+ skipping.


Hurricane Horde made landfall and the massive salty red tsunami drove them all off. I guess they went home with their runner up prize.

And we don’t need to claim anything. There’s absolutely no need to point out that a spade is indeed a spade.

Reading more of what you posted doesn’t negate the glaring inconsistency in your lacking logic. Alliance can use it, end of conversation. Oh, you need horde to get it? Wouldn’t be the first item in game that requires some form of work to get, or are you upset that everything isn’t handed to you on a silver platter?

You got the colour wrong; your team is blue and you are the primary purveyor of sodium in this thread, friend.

There’s work, then there’s grinding up a Horde character to level 110 “work”. It’s much easier to say when you’re the one that doesn’t have to.

What, you mean SHOCK HORROR how it’s handed to the horde?

Fortunately I do have a high-level horde character, so that’s where you’re wrong, “friend”. :slight_smile:



Well god forbid you actually have to play the game!

The way its ‘handed’ to nelfs is easier than to the horde, wipe those tears

That has little impact on the salt mines you have been tirelessly slaving away in all thread.

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It’s handed to the horde.

I forgot all Alliance are Nelfs. Oh, and you get your usual racial on top of it, too.

What part of:

did you not quite understand?

WM wants a word with you.

You can repeat yourself all day for all I care, doesn’t magically make it true. I don’t WM or M+, so I couldn’t give a damn about the toy. At all. AND it’s been nerfed.

you. I like you.

I think you need to take a look in the mirror and calm down a bit :blush:

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How very droll. I take it that’s all that’s in your repertoire? You’ll have burned out all your copied insults now, right? :roll_eyes:

Only thing that seems to be burnt out is your salt drill, I’m sure you’ll have it back up and running in no time though

Isn’t it nap time? Or is it just your retorts that are tired. I don’t concern myself with childish fools, don’t ever speak to me again.