Ride of the Pillager[[OOC thread]]

Link to Main Roleplay: https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/the-ride-of-the-pillager-open-roleplay

This is the OOC thread to the original roleplay thread.

Post all your OOC questions, comments or just general discussions about the roleplay here please :>

I will also add some templates for character sheets shortly.


I have added a character sheet template. Feel free to fill your out when joining the thread at your leisure. I kept the number of slots relatively few for the sake of simplicity, but if you feel there are some missing, feel free to add them.

  Character Sheet Template

Name: add title if applicable.
Appearance: Summary of character’s attire, body or distinct visible features.
Items: List your most important items here. No need to share your exact number of copper pieces or the number of old adder’s tongues that you are carrying.
Backstory: (optional)

Figured I’d fill this one out, if only to make sure that the OOC thread isn’t completely forgotten. :slight_smile:

Name: Abigail Dangerbeard
Gender: Female
Race: Dark Iron Dwarf
Age: 40ish
Class/Specialization: Rogue/Saboteur/Explosives Expert
Appearance: Abigail Dangerbeard wears a practical outfit made of sturdy leather. Around her neck she typically wears a pair of goggles. Her most notable feature are the runic tattoos that from her neck down to her hand on the right arm.
Items: A big o’ backpack full of engineering tools and explosives. Climbing gear including climbing spikes/axes, a grappling hook and rope. As weapons she carries a long knife, a hammer, a claw and a sawn-off shotgun.
Backstory: Dangerbeard is a former Dark Iron saboteur. She was part of a campaign in Khaz Modan which included a whole lot of black ops stuff such as sabotage murder. Her unit was sold out and she was captured during the Cataclysm. Spent a long time in prison underneath Ironforge and only recently got out under the condition that she’ll play nice with the Alliance this time around.


It was getting quiet in here, I figured some communication would do us good :slight_smile:

I figure I’ll make my next post after Gilrom and/or Lareen has made theirs, and then all hell can finally break loose~ :cocktail:

Name: Gilrom

Gender: Male

Race: Worgen

Age: Unknown

Class: Death Knight

Appearance: Living nightmare. Black fur, rotten flesh, razor-sharp teeth, icy-blue eyes. Aura of death magic radiates from him. Sturdy saronite armor with bladed handguards. Giant, eerie-looking runeblade. Runic tattoos.

Items: Two small skinning knives on the left side of his belt, three pouches on the right side of the belt, filled with strange dust. Dark chains are placed on his back.

Backstory: Gilrom doesn’t remember anything from his past life aside from his name. He was a skilled warrior from Pyrewood Village until he was bitten by a worgen and brought to Shadowfang Keep where he served as Arugal’s slave until he managed to escape.

He wandered feral across the Plaguelands until he was captured, killed and brought before the Lich King who saw potential in such a brutal beast and raised him into a death knight, destroying the beat within him but leaving his deadly abilities intact, further empowering them with unholy magic.

Since DKs broke free, Gilrom’s been wandering the northern wastes, hunting down the scourge and increasing his power and skills.p until the Legion came where he fought alongside his Ebon Blade brothers and sisters. After that, he continued to wander around the world, his purpose unknown.

Name: Lareen
Gender: Female
Race: (Lightforged) Draenei
Age: Ancient
Class/Specialization: Arcanist/Medic/Alchemist
Appearance: Donned in a typical Lightforged plate garb. Eyes emanating a bright yellowish colour. Blonde hair tucked at the back of her hear using an accesory resembling a crown. Small horns. And a nice ol’ shiny monocle to top it all off.
Items: Tools to set up a full-fledged alchemy station if need be, herbs for alchemical purposes, a staff created from only crystal, wands incase if the staff is unusable for some reason at the moment, a spell book, and some ready-made medical supplies if someone happens to get hurt.
Backstory: Being one of the many saved by the Army of the Light during their war with the Burning Legion, she joined them, and trained her spells and practised alchemy with what she simply had.

When she had served for long enough and shown that she could be trusted, she was given a chance to become Lightforged, with a few others. It was time for the trials.

She survived them, she passed them, and became a lightforged. Her dedication to the light never went away, nor her hope dissapear.

But now after joining the Alliance and wandering Azeroth as a whole, helping people there and there, something happened.
The horrible things she also saw during all of that wandering changed her.

She started to have doubts, doubts about the light.

Doubts she now seeks to get rid off, doubts which she now seeks to overcome, one way or another.

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Since you created the thread I’ll assume that you also serve as sort of a DM or storyteller, Mahlificia.

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That is correct.

Although I tend to describe it more as a ‘soft DM’. As there is no hard rule systems in these written RPs such as in tabletop games, I generally let you players also influence the RP and introduce your own elements. Such as adding or controlling lesser NPCs that your character might interact with, taking control of an NPC you are fighting in order to produce more dynamic fight scenarios, or writing up co NPCs mostly under your own control, such as a band of dwarven drunkards or an alchemist shopkeeper you had to go to.

Since there are no hard and fast rules, what a player can/should write/influence create in a RP is a lot like a dance. You add/write actions that are logical, consistent and that add to the scene. Player initiative and participation is especially useful, as if you had to wait for me for every single little thing you did, it could slow things down.

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Alright. I assumed you had a plan for the three missing trolls so I waited a moment.

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You were right on that guess!

Generally assume I have a plan for the things I elude to; otherwise you are free to play with the things I introduce. Even if it takes the form of throwing them off a cliff -.^

I’ll wait for resident slowpoke Gilrom and Lareen to get a post in. Right now I may or may not have the mental image of an undead worgen procrastinating in the middle of a fight~

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If any of us three could get away with it, it’d probably be him.

That’s one of the benefits of being undead when fighting bad guys and/or poor people.

The likelihood of them bringing a truesilver blade, a light aligned paladin or priest tends to be very low. The lack of a functional blood stream even renders him immune to any poisons, so no Indiana Jones dart trickery!

… and if a devilsaur ever ate him, he would give the dino a serious case of food poisoning…

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Sorry guys, gonna have to drop out, haven’t had the time to keep up with it and about to head off on holiday so won’t be around for it, have fun though!

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Maybe have Teknetia perform one final trick? Maybe join the SI:7 bunch or something?

That’s understandable. If you ever find yourself with a longer opening in your schedule, I’m sure we’ll find a way to airdrop Teknetia into the roleplay.

The good thing is that since Teknetia didn’t even leave the base, I don’t have to come up with a creative demise for him -.^

Went MIA for a bit. Sorry about that. Had a lot of stuff to do the last week/couple days.

Not to worry about that, life doesn’t always wait for us to finish our next post!

By the way, Gilrom, are you still with us?

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