I believe that vulpera priests would be more alchemists or something along those lines. Similar how goblin priests are more field medics. Like you know, some sort of wanna-be witch doctor. Maybe an exiled zandalari troll showing them what herbs to use for healing and what “primal” things can be used to heal people. Though I think many would also just simply take up the Light to become priests. Probably from the blood elves or tauren?
They could be, but I applied that to the shaman class. Kiro seems to be a shaman judging by his weaponry and totems, yet has an incredible knowledge of anti-venoms and medical practice. Then again it could be a general vulpera practice since they live in a harsh environment, but to know the land and its creatures would be more shamanistic than priestly in my mind.
We’ll take your skin and trade it for the Forsaken. They research it, and we gain some mushrooms to grow for food… Oh, and we’ll be one more ren’dorei down. Everyone wins!
I said little folk, not little fishes.
Rise up fox-bros.
Whoop whoop!
in 10 char
I am making my vulpera priest become a convert of the belief system of the tauren, mainly sun worship. Being a desert dwelling species that is under the sun constantly, it is a small wonder they don’t make any mention of it.
With a bit of twisting around, I managed to figure out that during the freezing nights of Vol’dun, a sun priest is the glimmer of warmth and light that seeks to provide comfort to those who need it.
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