Roleplaying undead kaldorei

With the Forsaken resurrecting night elves does anyone rp one? It might be difficult since we don’t have a nelf undead model. I suppose people could roll dk belfs and use the different skin tones. If not would you like too see people rp this or do you think you’d prefer not too?

Hello there!

Personally I hated this idea for lore, not gonna lie. But regardless to RP it, i think Nightborne hunter with the Nighthold hunter set, Eagletalon Battlegear (especially mythic hood) is a good idea for it and works!

I generally don’t mind it being RPed, even not a fan of it itself. I seen someone doing it and seemed alright. :slight_smile:

Good luck!


There’s an item called Dark Ranger’s Spare Cowl that transforms you into a Dark Ranger for a short period of time. If used in combination with prisms, one can realistically portray a Dark Ranger.

There’s also more options available - one could also, as Kump mentions, roleplay as a Nightborne (considering their shared animations with Night Elves) with a specific transmog.

I’m not entirely sure whether there’s many people roleplaying as (night) elf Dark Rangers - it’s a bit of a struggle to keep the prisms up and going and if you forget, you’re locked out of your Dark Ranger form. I don’t believe people really use Nightborne, either, but I’m also not really involved with the Forsaken scene, so I can’t answer that question with certainty.

To speak for myself, I’d love to see them being roleplayed more; they’re unique and interesting, and an IC rivalry with one would be perfect. It is essentially a given that their views are vastly different from typical Night Elves because they have an option to deny being raised - they may believe Tyrande and Elune have abandoned the kaldorei, they may believe their leader has failed then, and so on.


In the same Nightborne Hunter vein, the Ulduar set also has a fine undead vibe to it.

I have no interest in roleplaying one personally. I just think it would be cool to see them in the world. Since we have no explanation for why nelves are so willing to serve Sylvannas when they are reanimated I think seeing what the playerbase comes up with for their character would be cool.

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This is incorrect.

To quote an older post of mine on why Dark Rangers/Wardens so willingly serve Sylanas:


Teldrassil burns, the Night Elves face a massive loss, some Sentinels begin to doubt their leadership/their faith & believe Elune and Tyrande failed them. Added mental side-effects of being raised and there is your reason.


There are a few, yes - I know of one for sure off the top of my head. The best option is the Nightborne model as Blood Elves never quite get the right aesthetic in my opinion and I can tell you from experience that RPing a character that requires a prism is a pain in the backside.

(Just Kaldorei, so you know - night elves don’t follow the same naming structure as other elves)

It’s a very difficult character to roleplay because of the sheer amount of tragedy in the story that it requires, with the narrative of entirely losing hope. Not to say you can’t or shouldn’t try to do it justice, but just a thing to be wary of.


You are not alone…
The Worgen DK something the Lore explained, with the rised Arugal and he gave the Sons as a “gift” to the Lich King and they were rised by Him, with Forstmourne and all… not some knockoff necromancers
I can live with that, logical, Bwonsamdi’s or higher level of necromancy, heck, even bigger than Galakrond’s (and that bad boy was tought by Xal’atath/Old Gods!)! Totally fine with that!
But the Kaldorei special “flavor” was the whole Whisp-thing and the connection to the Dream
After the Shundering, and the betrayal of their beloved Goddess/Queen, when the Race as a whole was at the lovest moral, even then they only became ghosts (okay, you can’t really be any un-dead that a ghost… but not my point) / Wraiths… and at the time there were some Nathrezim around and those guys practically invented Necromancy (or learned from the Old Gods)!
The whole, I’m sad and entered my Goth-phase and that enables you to drag my poor soul back from the grave as a walking corpse made no sense…
Corpse Lady, you are NOT Arthas/Lich King - no matter how hard you want to be - leave the poor Kaldorei alone!

#LeaveTheKaldoreRestInPeace #WhispPower

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I can buy the resentment against Elune, and accepting undeath in order to avenge their fallen kin. But why do so for the very woman who ordered the tree burned in the first place? She would be equally guilty, if not more so than Elune, in these undead Kaldorei’s minds. I think just throwing on “lol they insane” is a bit cheap and doesn’t do these poor unfortunate souls justice.

Turn your face from Azeroth in shame, Elune. Her thoughts were daggers. You have abandoned us. We tried so hard . . . We believed in your love, in your protection . . .

Her mouth was too dry, her body too weak, to even spit in contempt.

Delaryn’s last thoughts, in Elegy. Hopefully that helps give some context as to just how much their despair at Elune turned to hatred.

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Oh I’m not arguing or diminishing the hatred towards Elune. Merely saying that this hatred should logically exist in equal amounts for Sylvanas :slight_smile:


Perhaps, its also possible they feel that Sylvannas showed them the reality of the world? I’m not a nelf person, but I think seeing unique characters in the world and talking with them about why they have these feelings and why they choose to join the Forsaken would be cool and interesting.

It’s down to the individual I feel.


The Val’kyr bargain/converse with the fallen kaldorei before getting their “answer”. We don’t really know what they say, which could very well involve the manipulation of the recently deceased (and therefore vulnerable) soul. Not hard to see them end up as we see them if you also consider what Mythundis said above.

They’re also an incredible minority.

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Is there like a source on this? I like the necromancy lore and would like to read about it.

Tried to find one that states it explicitly but don’t really remember where I got it from. Either way, to me this quest text in combination with the Val’kyr’s dialogue after raising them successfully sort of implies more to me than a simple yes / no question. Take it with a grain of salt.



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I know Blizzard has loved retconninng lore recently but honestly this change if it is what they are going for now feels unnecessary and makes the Forsaken starting zone kinda… Weird. Like… Why would Lillian Voss and that random soldier that tries to start his own Forsaken with Elbows accept the deal and then act the way they do? Or the other newly risen that choose to accept their death.

That’s humans, not elves. Humans can be forcefully raised by the Valkyr, elves can’t.

Isn’t that then a contradiction since Nathanos is the one that says " We all have our reasons for accepting the val’kyr’s gift.". Actually the more I think about it I don’t think its something that happens before the reanimation. Like they make the undead and then the person decides after.


I think it’s actually Sira Moonwarden, one of the Night Elves, who states that everyone has their reasons for accepting the gift.

Source: “Aftermath” Quest

If we’re taking quests as lore as well, the Val’kyr cannot forcibly raise the Night Elves. In the quest where you go around raising them some of them are raised, others turn into angry wisps and fight you, and some simply refuse to come back at all.

It is unclear precisely what the Val’kyr do/say however it is not something that seems to work without the person in question being willing.

To answer the topic question, I think people could play an undead night elf convincingly and interestingly. However I am still figuring out whether all raised nelves are Dark Rangers, in which case… I tend to be more cautious. Dark Rangers are a bit of a niche concept but more importantly they have a very specific role within the Forsaken and aren’t going to be hanging about in bars and such.

However that’s more an issue about quality which is a different discussion.

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It’s kaldorei, not kal’dorei :confused:

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