RP - Alliance guild that accepts warlocks/shadow priests?

Looking for one!
My character (not this one) is -not- evil as in, she doesn’t want to harm any innocent people, she isn’t willing to blow up a village to prove a point, but she is also disillusioned with the Light and wields shadow magic both in battle and through other spells as they are required. She obviously doesn’t show this off without a reason, but is also not ashamed of what she researches.

She is willing to coexist with Warlocks provided they aren’t crossing the line with what they do (she wouldn’t tolerate innocents being hurt etc).

Basically, I want an Alliance guild that welcome practitioners of the dark arts. Is there one out there that is active and recruiting for me to consider? So far, the forums only had guilds that forbid such things. They are all great! But I am looking for my niche.

Apologies if I am not being specific about my character, just never felt comfortable attaching my identity to posts like this. Anxiety stuff.

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I don’t play WoW anymore at the moment, so I can’t say?
But perhaps you can walk around Stormwind and look around in the Mages Quarter? Perhaps there is a little coven there you can join? Or ask a barman?


As a subscribed and actively roleplaying poster, there’s quite a few choices.

Ratters accept the usage of darker magics, and generally do tend to strive to do things that better the alliance, with some hiccups along the way.

If your character is an elf or a void elf, they might fit



If you one day want to commit warcrimes and do warlockery stuff you will always have a place in the Coven


If you do crimes and warlocky stuff

Daeva will look for u
Daeva will find u
Daeva will beat u

Daeva will need to sub first then


Giving Blizzard money and triggering my dopamine addiction again is the only reason
why Daeva won’t fight vigilante Illidari Inquisitor justice upon the wicked.

There’s gossip abound that [Voidfury]™ does not only accept warlocks and wielders of dark magics, but also has regular VTM v20 sessions to indulge in the dark arts, combined IC dental insurance.

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Haha tabletop virgins

This post was sponsored by Lighthead gang


I miss the days when warlocks within the army and war crimes were an Alliance thing.

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Thank you! Sadly I don’t play horde but I do respect guilds like yours. Keep up the good work.

Also thanks Matteo for the guilds provided! I will check them out.


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