Hello everyone. I have decided to try my self in hosting a campaign, so here goes. This is the first campaign I have ever hosted, and I promise I will do my best to take into consideration all the good and bad things that i have observed from campaigns from the past year or so and I promise I will try my best to uphold the former and avoid the latter at all cost.
First of all, I would like to emphasise that this campaign is OPEN ENDED and aside from the scripted start and the PvE events of the first 2 days, nothing else will be scripted, meaning the victor will not be known until the last day. The ultimate winner of the campaign will be decided on the by the amount of regions it has in their possession at the end of the campaign.
For each faction, one commander will be selected among those willing to lead. The commander will have two lieutenants available that will lead the forces in combat and a number of staff officers to deal with the everyday affairs of the faction. The selection of the commanders and his officers is left to the factions to do as they wish.
As for the campaign it self, by completing the conquest of various objectives, whether this means conquering an area ( restricted PvP ) or simply outright destroying the enemy ( unrestricted PvP ), resources will be given. Once those resources are given, they can be used the next day to enhance the abilities of forces in the field. Each objective will have a set amount of resources that will be awarded for either capturing it or holding it. Each faction will receive resources for all of their zones held however some zones do not provide resources and as such do not award resource points.
The campaign it self will take place in Silverpine, but factions will start their way towards it from Arathi Highlands and Silvermoon respectively. First two days will be DM-ed PvE objectives and on the third day the PvP will begin. I would strongly advise that all those that apply be there for the PvE events as well, since they will add flavor to what comes next, at least thats my opinion.
The campaign will start on the 27.03., giving everyone plenty of time to prepare.
There is plenty more of stuff prepared, including rules, resource points spending and things like that, but those stuff will take a lot of room here so they have been placed in a google doc that will be available on the Discord set up for this campaign. Once GM-s sign up for the campaign, they will be given access to it and they can read up further.
Below the i would ask GM-s to sign up in a following form
Guild name:
Guild leader:
Amount of people: ( approx )
About the guild: ( short description )
Signing up for: ( restricted or unrestricted PvP )