Same faction battlegrounds -- e.g. Horde vs Horde - like RBGs

You open with “butthurt”, you get the same treatment in return…

Yes, everyone is aware. Facts are still facts though.

I dare say that a vast majority of the classic community would hate to see merc mode. And yes there are alot of systems that already exist, IN RETAIL. We’re playing classic because retail is bad.

Yes because the fact that legitimate answers to the same question keep popping up makes them less applicable.

Are you an anti vaxxer by anychance?

The systems I’m proposing already exist in what many would consider “Old WoW” and here I’m speaking about RBGs and Arena - where you can face your own faction.

I do not agree with merc mode, for the reasons I’ve given in my post if you care to actually read that.

You misunderstood that I was saying this in response to another P2 Andy who deflected their miserable experience onto me and that’s fine. It’s not that I “dont care” It’s more that It’s irrelevant to me and this post.

I do think you’re butt-hurt though since most of your ports are crying about P2 and such…

How is “Reroll alliance” a legitimate answer when it causes multiple other problems - and It’s sad that I have to keep saying this but it will only cause the same issue in the future - can’t you read at all?

Re-roll alliance :frog:
Who cares that you’re leaving your progression behind :frog:
Oh and your friends? Who cares :frog:
You was warned :frog:
Oh the same thing will happen in a year when you roll alliance? :frog:
Oh you’re Alliance now? :frog:
You was warned :frog:
Reroll horde :frog:

No, I’m far from an anti-vaxxer, how is this even relevant? Are you one or something?

It’s relevant because you are being given really straight forward advice and instead of taking it on board you are creating problems.

You actually are struggling to understand the bigger picture which is why people are kind of destroying you on here.

And to your advice I’m giving you the bigger picture, which I’ve explained countless times. You’re the one who doesn’t understand the bigger picture, but here I’ll give it you to one last time, free of charge :slight_smile:

Re-roll alliance :frog:
Who cares that you’re leaving your progression behind :frog:
Oh and your friends? Who cares :frog:
You was warned :frog:
Oh the same thing will happen in a year when you roll alliance? :frog:
Oh you’re Alliance now? :frog:
Who cares that you’re leaving your progression behind :frog:
Oh and your friends? Who cares :frog:
You was warned :frog:
Reroll horde :frog:

Alternatively you could actually go read the post.

You mean a few complete jokes who are deflecting their P2 experience on me whilst being incapable of understanding why such a huge amount of people are asking for the same thing?

No, I’ve read it. Merc mode and your own merc 2.0 has the same flaws. Horde fighting horde. It is by essence very much the same thing.

No, in your opening post you call everyone who couldnt play the game in P2 “butthurt”, that is why you get the bare minimum of respect back in return.

Just doesn’t imo, merc mode means I either morph my race or I wait 1.5 hour for a queue, as I discussed in the post, I would rather just be an alliance if I was going to spend the majority of my time being one.

If you come onto my post about that discusses the long battleground queues and possible solutions to cry and deflect that I do not deserve anything because you got ganked then you sir are butt-hurt. I even explained to you how some of the proposed solutions would lower the amount of ganking, yet you choose to ignore this.

You’re clearly butt-hurt and a complete loser for going out of your way to insult me on my post and cry because you’re incapable of understanding the information and arguments I presented to you, keep being you

If I take both of your advice and re-roll to the Alliance (which would be such a huge “inconvenience” that its not worth the time investment for the VAST majority of players), what happens in WOTLK? Are you guys going to say I should’ve expected it and to reroll horde?

My god it’s like arguing with a stone. smh.

Anyway, I got a better solution, listen to this!

Its not “merc mode”, and its not " Same faction battlegrounds", this is a completely new thing called…

“Fighting ground battle of the same faction, fighter combat”. And unlike the previous versions you get to fight your own faction here. But without the drawbacks of allowing a faction to fight it self, like you do in the first two proposals. Much plan great smarts if I may say so.

Yes in wotlk you should expect alot of ppl to reroll alliance. Min/maxing and such… And still they wont breach 1500 raitng… :joy:

Bruh what are you talking about if you can’t see that people would rather have fast queues than fight the opposite faction in something as simple as PvP then you can literally just toggle it to suit yourself.

What even is this post? If you can’t see the difference between merc mode and same faction you’re so braindead, go read the explanation I gave you of the difference.

It’s 2021, a lot of players do not want to “intentionally harm themself” by choosing what they consider to be a worse race. They can do what they want, I don’t care enough to be what I would consider the “best” race for my main (warrior) if I did I would probably be gnome or orc, but instead I’m tauren.

So what do you think I should do when I reroll to Alliance, go back to horde? Can you now not see why your suggestion is stupid or are you really that hopeless

Good luck with your life man. I’m out.

Yeah you would be because you can’t answer it, what an actual loser. Can’t wait wait to see you on the forums in WOTLK when you’re facing the same issue :frog:

No I’m out of here because when anyone present a valid argument to you, you choose to ignore it and continue on with strawman arguments and insults.

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You’re incapable of giving me an actual response to the questions I present you, whereas when you present what you consider a “valid argument” and I deconstruct it giving you various reasons why this not worth the time (just like most players agree on), you continue to tell me to re-roll alliance.

How have I even ignored it lmao, I’ve given you the exact reasoning why people do not want to “re-roll” alliance multiple times and you’re yet to even consider those points…

Again, care to tell me what your solution is for me facing the same issue in WOTLK if I re-roll? Re-roll again, right?

Re-roll alliance :frog:
Who cares that you’re leaving your progression behind :frog:
Oh and your friends? Who cares :frog:
You was warned :frog:
Oh the same thing will happen in a year when you roll alliance? :frog:
Oh you’re Alliance now? :frog:
Who cares that you’re leaving your progression behind :frog:
Oh and your friends? Who cares :frog:
You was warned :frog:
Reroll horde :frog:

Wait thats right, you cant :slight_smile:
Or maybe its just because…


I would GLADLY either use merc mode or faction change, i just wanna do bg’s’.

I can see the problem with merc mode, making “everyone” go horde and completely destroying alliance in the world.

But give us paid faction change, dont really see the problem with it.

#1 im also horde UD lock (codename kemtemonta) prefarmed for arenas
#2 My alliance toon is in an overpopulated A server therefore i farm litle orc whenever i want
#3 reroll alliance to balance things while blizz thinking of buff honor and bring more A to BGs
#4 My takes dont have selfish perspectives

if you dont want to re roll deal with the F…ing Q idiot

This is completly diffrent, you are in arena like gladiators fighting to challange each other. Bgs on the other hadn have lorewise a faction war with in it.

And how is this in the “lore”?

How do you feel about RBGs doing this in that case, and how do you feel about the option to just toggle between fighting vs your own faction and not.

I think most PVP players don’t care about lore at all in this context, but the option to toggle would exist for those who do.

How can you experience the “lore” if you can’t even get in a BG?