Say NO to helping Horde characters

What the hell is going on here now.

“I had to help the Alliance!” says Horde.
“I had to help the Horde!” says Alliance.

This is not going to stop, is it? AND NO, NO ONE IS LYING. STOP IT.

Horde does it all the time. Was about to be done that the alliance gets a similar experience.

Because it happened to both sides, regardless of the scale of said event.

I never denied the Horde had it better or worse than the Alliance, but the Alliance still had it.

It is principle.

Not exactly, not letting the Alliance know the story of what actually happened on the Broken Shore until Baine told them after the BL is part of the reason why Genn decided to hunt down Sylvanas.

Didn’t require much, they were just above them on the ledge, you could just get one person to jump down or send a Val’kyr during or after the call for retreat.

Obviously, it is down to speculation whether or not Genn would still do it.

The difference between what Genn did and what Sylvanas did is that he knew the Forsaken were up to something which we find out is correct. Sylvanas’s didn’t and had to manipulate Saurfang for him to show that the Horde and Alliance could never get along.

You can indeed, but I am arguing from the perspective of the Alliance, not from meta-knowledge and from their perspective the Horde left them to die on the Broken Shore.

It depends on the motivation of helping other characters. For example, Magni is acting as the speaker of the Horde and is no longer king of the Alliance, whereas Velonara is still an active part of the Blood war, so I guess that’s were some Alliance mains may find it difficult to help her.

Sylvanas saw History and made a conclusion. And in what way did she manipulate Saurfang? She gave him facts and he concluded she was right at the moment.

Khadgar, Brann, Magni, Anduin, Tyrande, Velen, Turalyon, Vereesa, Malfurion, Alleria, Maiev, Harrison Jones, Boros, the GG couple, Jarod. The list is long.

That is literally no different to the Horde character having a -long- (may I say, overly long) quest chain taking orders from Tyrande, The Fact she is a Dark Ranger doesn’t matter a shred, the Alliance has Death Knights and the player character takes orders from one and helps them. Its the fact she is Horde.

Well, Welcome to Horde Writing, Y’all said you wanted the complexity of Horde Story, well, now you have it. What you see as Complexity is mostly “Do what X Person of other Faction Tells you to”

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Still, the Horde PC helped Tyrande in a time of relative peace for an artifact that was necessary to close the portal in the ToS, and ensuring the survival of Azeroth.

Compared to that, how is helping a Dark ranger, one of the most loyal and fanatical troop in Sylvanas’s arsenal, going to help the Alliance in any way

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Because on further inspection a lot of these “facts” breakdown, I might as well quote this post what Araphant made.

Either Sylvanas is manipulating, completely clueless or is falling into rampancy and paranoia for being Undead.

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It does. If you’re going to find something linked to a Goddess, it’s best to ask those who follow her

Because there always has to be an excuse? I mean please, you literally have to sort out her love life.

because, Aheh, in helping Morgooth rescue her, you are sorting out his love life?

We don’t know yet. We get this every time, every single time and it does my nut in “Alliance have to do this!” “Yeah, so? That’s been Horde plot for years?” “But -ALLIANCE- have to do this!” “Yeah its…not a single faction game” “But Why should the Alliance have to do this?” “I dunno, why did the Horde have to do it for ages, you weren’t complaining then?”

I already gave an example as to how it could help the Alliance, but I will state it again.

What if she willingly defects? Imagine the damage that would do, not just to the Horde, but to Sylvanas’ own prestige, I mean Dark Ranger’s have free will, and Velonara has been shown to still have higher emotions, what if she is the opposite of Daleryn Summermoon? I mean essentially she would then be an Alliance Undead, but they have plenty of them,

What if it is not rescuing an enemy soldier, but securing an intelligence asset and defector to your cause, do we know yet? what -exactly- the story entails?

I don’t remember helping her love life in Val’sharah. She makes comments about Malfurion, but you still go there because Malfurion chased after Xavius and Tyrande was a priestess who might know about the Tears of Elune

Well, I wasn’t playing then.

Dialogue from the Dark rangers suggest’s they are rather fanatical, and it seems difficult to believe that they would willingly defect

A reasonable horde.
I am pleasently suprised.
This is pretty much my opion aswhile.
It is one thing to help an enemy you have a none agression pack with against the enemy of all life.
It is an other to help an enemy who is actively in a war of genocide against you.
Short of her being a traitor to sylvanas and needing to be “saved” before sylvanas assasins get to her.
There are very the few reasons i could see to justify this.

It does not matter if its faction war or not. We still we forced to take orders/quest from her while she directly trash talked us and dared to insult Sylvanas. The sooner Tyrande becomes a raid boss the better.

Reported for confusing reasonable with Alliance boot licking.

Is she going to praise people who were involved in a conflict with her people on Ashenvale?

She better should be since I could withdraw my support for her ungrateful self anytime. Her precious Teldrassil would have burned ages ago if it wasn’t for Thrall defeating Deathwing.

Da Horde ain’t so bad, just a few bad here and dere……

I mean, the entire planet would be devoid of life beyond Twilight Dragons if it wasn’t for Thrall defeating Deathwing.

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