Say NO to helping Horde characters

Anduin Wrynn knows the right way. She just needs some cookies.


Hmph … There is no need for such trouble. Show the love to your enemy, spread the peace.

As for Horde, we have no difficulty smacking them in the face without torurting of a “noble soul”. Just look at the War campaigns.

Imho it would offer a far better story if Genn and / or Shaw imprisoned her to get her secrets… it would add a nice pragmatic reason to the first quest of rescuing her and offer some awesome intrigues in Stormwind… interrogating her behind Anduin’s back, probably imprison her even after Anduin released her… using the tactical insights they gain and Anduin slowly growing suspicious…

Then the trial of Genn and Shaw when Anduin figures it out and the other leaders speaking up for or against them… this could add so much depth and profile to characters. :smiley:

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Oh, in fact I’m not that mad/sad about it, a little bothered perhaps, but nothing major. After all this is just one little side quest. Though if the current story-telling trend continues, the herd will end with Baine as a warchief, that will be much sweeter.

Meanwhile the Horde character helps a gnome+goblin genius couple with extended knowledge of azerite and Alliance sympathies to stay hidden from Gallywix. Let’s just stop pretending the PC is a character at all instead of just a vehicle to tell the story.


I just want a choice or at least, if I’m really forced to co-operate with her, some good reason. If we could imprison her for info, I’d be okay with it.


I like how you got so accustomed to the choice model that you forget that every quest in the game is like that.

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That quest did set a precedent of making multiple choice quests, and there will be mote requests from now on

You probably doesn’t even need to imprison her because she will give you the I formation voluntary. Or Blizz want just show us that Anduins way doesn’t work every time…

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But that would actually change the story. Your choices can’t change the story. Any choice you propose has to be:

  1. Neutral to the final result of the quest.
  2. Still give the player all the same information, no matter what choice you make.
  3. Not take more work to implement than it’s worth for the side quest.

…or that’s how I interpret the “choice”-situation.

I guess you can choose an option to question her, just to be knocked out from behind, or something, with her gone and another NPC telling you the plot points when you wake up. Does that sound better to you?


Garithos where are you?
Why aren’t you helping us in these dark times? :sob:

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If this turns out to be true it will just further add to the dumpsterfire writing of this expansion. Or as devs would say - plot twists and emotional investment.


hmm sounds like a quest chain where you should be turned in to a horde, when doing it, so it actualy looks like horde is saving her not alliance.

Its a pity you can’t play Wow like an RPG with choices. There are quests on the Alliance and the Horde i know my character just flat out wouldn’t do.


So judgemental, sister! Show a little consideration to those who have sacrificed everything.

Agreed so long as Horde never have to help Alliance characters like Brann, Tyrande, Harrison Jones, Anduin or any one else belonging to the blue side.

But as it turns out, we have a questline where we’re forced to help a traitor goblin and alliance gnome escape justice. Plus our disaster of a war campaign with Baine.


Embrace her in love and kindness. Then let her go.

You just made an enemy for life, elf. Greymane will lead us to victory!


Is the hero that the Horde needs but not the one the Horde deserves.

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Srsly after freeing Derek for Baine that one hurts extra.

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Baine, that GG couple and Brann. We could rename this expansion into battle for the alliance and nobody would notice the difference.