Say what you like about WoW (for a change)

How can I forget to include him in my picks ! He is amazing on all the points ! Especially his voice.
That also reminds me that I did Battle of Dazar’alor yesterday (first 2 parts) and I really liked Rastakhan fight too. Opulence is fun too but a bit weird.

I 100% have that with Sylvanas. The lady on stage did a wonderful and very professional job, which to me is jaw dropping because I suck at any form of voice acting, even though I love it. She just sat there and did the lines perfect from the get go like it was nothing.

But god, did they make Sylvanas a nag! Whine whine whine whine, is all she can do, with that whiny voice of hers. And yes it fits the character and the lines, so nothing against the voice actress at all! I never sit there and think “Huh? That’s a… weird and unnatural way of saying it.”.

I loved each and every one of the voice actors that I saw on stage in that short video. They just seemed to have so much fun! There have been weird lines here and there in the fullness of the whole game, of course, but overall the voice acting is top notch!

Yes! The boss fight has some of the best voice acting I’ve ever heard. His intonation and emotion is just spot on perfect (to me). It just feels so real, the lines + the voice acting really make that fight come to life.

Dungeonsm i love wows dungeons and their dungeon system. Its the main reason i play wow because they nailed it. I used to level and play with my friend and i kinda enjoyed it. But when i came back and played a healer who leveld 100% through dungeons i had the best time.

I would gladly play a game thats just wows duneon system. The only reason i stopped playing back at launch was the honourbound rep grind. I dont have any other complaints about wow besides that.

The music they create for the game is fantastic :relaxed:

I am also a huge fan of events, they give a break in the usual gameplay (The AH danceparty is an example of a great event, so many people is at the AH while the disco is on)

And underwater areas - I really think they have done it well, when it comes to unserwater graphics :slight_smile:

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