School of Hard Knocks BUGGED

I tried to capture grey flag too

I gave up last year. I would like to hear if anyone has managed it in the last couple of years.

I managed to do it during first year of Legion. I tell you I was as frustrated as many people, but as a rogue it seemed to give a little bit of luck because the horde couldnt track where I was. But thats just it, luck. I tried for many years before it, and I was raging in the comments and pleading in the Suggestion Box to remove that cancer of an achievement.

I doubt that they will ever remove it. My concolences to anyone who is struggling and good luck to you all.

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Someone just linked an achievement completed today. It appears to be fixed. Can anyone else confirm this?

There was a blue response to a thread on the US forums, live hotfix was done a few hours ago to fix AB and WSG

Will check later to see if its also fixed here in the EU. Unless some one else can confirm quicker.

Who’s bright idea was it to put a 1 week mainly pve holiday with pvp achievements that 2 at least are bugged and a 3rd basically not possible to achieve?

I am on a high pop server, even during childrens week when loads of players will be after these achievements, the que time, in prime time for Alterac valley is round 45mins-1hr plus, it still has not popped after trying all evening. BG’s are around 25 mins que time…

Who knows maybe that one is bugged too and wasted even more time on this…

Please just remove the achievement. Not even worth fixing it at this point.

If I knew about these issues before hand I would never have bothered going for other world events throughout the year not knowing this would block me progressing…


You couldn’t post in the existing thread about this?

I am not talking specifically about the bugs but overall issues with the achievement EVEN IF it was working…these issues also need addressing.

All you will be told is to make a bug report. If you expect anything else then you will be disappointed.

That’s kind of sad if true for sub paying game. Some communication would be nice.

The first thing is the Devs never answer anything on the EU forums and the second is there is little interaction with the people who deal with these forums and anyone else really, in US Blizzard.

Every year we get people complaining about this. Granted, this year there was the added problem of the bug, which has been fixed now, but people would’ve complained about it without the bugs too.

This achievement isn’t that hard. I’m on one of the busiest servers and I suck at PvP yet I had no problems getting this years ago.

There’s nothing wrong with having some harder achievements among the simple stuff.

I agree. But its a one week event and the que times for AV have been stupidly long. The AV part is by far the hardest one so far. There are so many people after the achievement and the que times take well over an hour. It’s just a lot of time to waste. Last night i was on 80 minute que and i just gave up and went to sleep. This morning I’m currently on a 43 minute que and still waiting… At least they could remove THIS part of the achievement since the other ones are easily achievable. Not so much when you have 40 people trying to get 4 flags and the que times are over an hour long.

Edit: You also run the risk to join already started games because people just quit if they cant get to the flags first and you wait 1 hour for nothing since theres no way you can get to a flag before anyone else on a started game (happened to me yasterday)

Sorry for the frustration here. The issues in Arathi Basin and Warsong Gulch with this achievement were hotfixed during the night, so you should be able to get the achievement now in those battlegrounds by meeting the criteria.

Have you tag Alterac Valley ? It didn’t tag since 1 year on fr realms…
It’s not frustration, that achivement is bullshlt

Its against ToS but i just wanna say that i wish really bad things happen to everyone who works on blizzard and i want to insult them so much specificaly for their incompetence and stupid design philosophies. Screw this achievement. Wasted so much time on every other achievement and now this stupid achievement is not gonna let me get the Drake


Its been fixed last night l2read

The issue I had was with the Kul’Tiran orphan in EotS. I captured a flag with him out and it still did not count. Have these achievements been fixed to work with a new orphan or does it require an old one?

Four years ago, I was looking forward to complete the “Strange Trip” achievement with the Children’s Week. Then I realized, I had to do the “School of Hard Knocks” achievement.
I really was devastated when I found out, it requires some PvP skill.

I tried it for two years. I am really bad at PvP, because I am simply to slow.

I even tired to make my keypad layout more efficient, with CDs on the left, heal/shield on the right, CC on top, utility on the bottom and rotation in the middle, all easy to reach with my left hand and memorized.

This is how slow I am:
The day before Yesterday I was playing the quest in Vol’dun, where you have to stick a flag into a Sethrak body. Everytime I killed one, someone came along to stick his flag into it before I had the chance. In this case I was able to change my strategy into being ready, before I stroke the killing blow.

In an unexpected situation like PvP, I can not prepare. Even if I exactly know how to react to it, it still takes time to realize the situation when e.g. the Flag drops in WSG.

This “School of Hard Knocks” achievement is supposed to be a part of a collectors meta, not a PvP meta. Many people may be able to achieve it. I am not.
All that is left to me is one week in every year that reminds me of my failure, and to complain in the forums for having absolutely nothing changed.

BtW: I was born with a disability, a part of my brain is missing - the cortus callosum, which is responsible for both brain halves to communicate to each other. Without it they communicate via detour, which takes longer to process and results in a more active brain, which is easily tiring. At least my IQ is 134 (year 2010), because of it ;).


It legit requires none. It just requires A DUMB amount of luck. For example in AV you cant go first to the flag room since the trash will focus you but you also need to be the first to capture the flag. HOW?! you just need your stars to align and its just pathetic. It takes like 2-3 hours to join a match and there are only 4 flags each match with 40 people running after them.

Couldnt agree more. Thats what I am fighting for but they just turn a blind eye to suggestions.

Im envious of how strong you are. Keep it up!