Screenshots of the day

This was shortly before the Wrath prepatch - chat was flooded with LFM tank messages even for TBC zones.

And there we were, wanting to do SFK maybe. It was a miracle we found a tank there…


This, Lady Jaina, is how we leave Halls of Reflection!



Void elf twins! :smiling_face_with_tear::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


That gold count was too fitting for a DH.

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This was a while ago but my friend was afk so long his character sat down so I decided to sit in his lap :laughing:

and a more recent one


here’s a darkiron dwarf forging something :eyes: :fire:

Goblin and his mech-dog.

first a shaman, now a deathknight, this orch decided to sit down and chill in his new existance. Poor orch!

This void elf has fallen into madness


Actually that is quite easy to figure out. If a thread doesn’t have any particular rule, then look one level higher up to the subforum.

If the subforum doesn’t have any relevant rules either, go one level up to the forum category, and further to the forum as a whole of an eventual better suited category and subforum. If still no particular rules, then sure go ahead.

However, this particurlar subforum is clearly for retail World of Warcraft-related stuff as specified in the forum category.

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aight my bad

deleted the post :wink:

i decided that my mistweaver monk is more Acqua oriented!

is that a DK or a Warrior???

this pirate is chillin’.


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How do i put a photo in here it wont let me. :frowning:

my method is to use Meme Generator - Imgflip and then make “New template” and then copy and paste immage.
after that “generate meme” and use Image HTML link :slight_smile:

ok ill take a look it says i can do it from the wow files as well but cant… thanks for the info.

First, to make your “Copy immage” just press “Alt + Stamp”!
after that you just need to do what i sayd up :smile:

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working on it. keep in mind im on my 4th beer :slight_smile:

I give up for now its directimg to the meme page instead of my image. Tomorrow is another day. i have quite a few nice ones.

Found this in my screenshots folder. An… interesting point of view.


yeh… i use a meme generator to post immages…
tho it works
all you need to do is:

you click on that button then:

you click on that and paste the immage (alt + v)
and lastly:

and you copy

and you paste it on forums :slight_smile:


You can also use a site like imgur and upload your pictures to and link it from there.