Season of Discovery Class Tuning Incoming - 28 February

Disagree entirely.

Your one completely overpowered spec overperforming certainly does justify nerfs. It’s not our fault you’re a FoTM roller.

You have utility and can deal with mechanics, I can’t.

1st, not 3rd.


BFD had high magic resistance.
Casters suffered.

Gnomeregan has high armor values.
Physical suffers.

I wonder how they’ll spice up P3’s raid.

You struggle to understand how class design in Classic works.
First of all, you’re looking at all percentiles, which is a largely irrelevant metric.
If you look at 99th percentile, warrior is 5th and hunters 3rd, and if you look at max warriors is in the same spot hunters are.
Why is this the case? This is the case because warrior simply SCALE WAY BETTER. It’s only the 3rd reset in so warriors haven’t had time to gear up yet. If warriors are doing X amount of dps in week 1 of a raid in classic, they’re gonna do 3x that amount when they start acquiring gear.

Not only do warriors scales inarguably the best in the game, they also have an infinite resource. With melee hunters being gutted and warriors getting a big buff with the reduction of boss armor values (if blue post says 10% it’s gonna be at least double that simply because of how rage works in regards to armor values).

So now hunters don’t only have range spec, which is the worse spec in the game (frost mage doesn’t count for obvious reasons), but now there is literally no reason to bring a hunter over a warriors besides the 10%.

The only class that’s more dead than hunters now are rogues. Good job devs.


Hardly FotM given my Main and Alts throughout P1 have been Hunter and Feral.

I love ranged and traps more than melee, and would love for them to pull their finger out and fix it.

No doubt your entitled opinions stem from playing a class which doesn’t suffer from having a lack of choice of viable specs. The fact you felt that Hunters needed further nerfs without even a buff in the other trees speaks volumes, let alone not addressing any of the other classes which fall closely behind in the DPS rankings having multiple playstyles and roles.

As I said, their decisions reak of incompetence. Snowflakes 1 - Hunters 0.


Rip warrior 2.0, Well atleast our hunter goes back to ranged so I dont have to run on mechanics becouse we are missing ranged. And no use having him in wf group! Rest in pepperonis

Literally what utility does melee hunters have that you don’t have a comparable alternative to. and WHAT mechanic can melee hunter deal with that a warrior can’t?
You have literally no idea what you’re talking about. Melee hunters provide 10% yes, meanwhile warriors provide battle shout and sunders.


Now that I think about it, maybe the reason for why ranged Hunter is being ignored completely in these tunings is because they ARE working on an overhaul but it just isn’t ready yet. So MM and BM Hunters are severely undertuned? Well what’s the point in tuning abilities that are going to be removed, completely altered or repositioned?

Probably not though.


That is no longer a ‘warrior only’ benefeactor. You have infinite mana now.

The armor change applies to you too.

Except hunters still bring kings and still have more utility.

I’d rather than fixed ranged too (ACTUAL ranged, not pet-mongos like P1).

Excuse me?

No you’re right, I play warrior. A class that sucks at everything instead of just sucking at ‘viable choice’.

Melee hunters needed nerfs, their damage was too high. This isn’t up for debate, this is a fact.

You STILL have the option of swapping to range for fights like Thermaplug and electricutioner. You lose some damage, sure. Know what I lose when trying to handle those mechanics? ALL of my damage.

I know more than you do, little green crybaby.

Boohoo, your overtuned runes got nerfed. Deal with it.


Yes, because all Hunters FOTM rerolled to Melee.
Oh wait, that’s right, they didn’t.

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You dont have to post every thought you have.

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Yes I do.

I’m thirsty.
And hungry.
Gonna go eat a paprika.


Saying that someone has more utility because they can change to the lowest DPS spec in the game in order to deal with range mechanics is the most braindead arguments I’ve heard on the forums in a while.
A warrior (and melee hunter too btw) would unironically lose less damage just running out to deal with electric charge or bombs, than a melee hunter would lose by going range. That’s how terrible range hunter is right now.

Again, you show a completely lack of understanding of how classic works. The reduction of armor isn’t only gonna be a flat dmg% increase but also a buff to rage generation.
And once again, top end warriors are already competing with melee hunters.
In fact, on crowd pummeler (the patchwerk of the raid) warriors are already beating melee hunters on pure ST damage


Why just Crusader Strike, Divine Storm too🙄

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Woah… the specialist melee class played at its highest skill level narrowly beats a hunter running up to a target and pressing one button?!

Crazy… hopefully Blizzard fixes this.

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why would they? I use vanish and some stupid ability reveals me instantly, people with 3 points in improved stealth can stun me from 15 yards while in stealth. I use ambush and it’s damage randomly ranges from 150-900 into a mage (do mages arcane surge for 1200-2400 do that? or shadow priest), gauge parry (cd), cheapshot parry/dodge (cd),

I use sprint to escape, warrior charges and executes. mage iceblocks and instantly blinks, i shadowstep (no damage modifier, + gives GCD compared to TBC shadowstep) he coldsnap, iceblock again, thne then he blinks again and kites me with frost spells.

priest innerfire + shield + dispersion => ambush = 200dmg, mutilate 300 crits (both weapons in total), fear, dots prevent vanish,…

druid shifts into bear uses his bear heal, i do negative damage.

warlock uses metamorph passive life drain => negative damage into him if he uses demonology talents with almost 50% damage reduction (+ armor from metamorph)

If you get deleted by rogues, than you are just noob that cant use his toolkit .


Saying you know more than me when you’re not reading what I’m saying is the most braindead argument I’ve seen.

You dont have to swap specs, playing melee doesn’t disable your ranged weapon. You get the option of still using your ranged shots and abilities whilst running out of melee range to deal with mehcnaics.

And even if you did have to swap specs? Gnomer isn’t a DPS race. Low DPS and handling mechanics is better than not handling mechanics at all.

Yes, I know. I’ve been playing this game for near two decades; almost for as long as you’ve been alive.

That rage gain isn’t going to make warriors suddenly deal more damage than pre-nerf melee hunters. And that rage gain scaling is still ONLY going to affect raids, warriors are still going to be dog-tier in every other aspect of the game (aspects that hunters absolutely dominate, by the way).

Cry more green boy. Your stupid spec deserved it’s nerf.


Sorry, not defending Blizzard, cuz clearly they did not implement some much needed class changes, but:

Melee Hunters have imo NO reason to complain. They were op and in the top 2-3 at a point in the game where mobs have 2x their normal armor. Where every other melee is MUCH further back.

What does this mean ? When Gnomer ends, and we are all back to normal, Melee Hunters will still melt.

And for everyone complaining that casters should be nerfed. Again, we “The melee” are hitting into 2x normal armor, with poison and bleed resistances. I guarantee you, if they dropped the armor to normal, and removed the resistances ? We would shoot on top over night, again leaving the casters behind.

X needs a nerf and so does Y, but please, at least understand WHY Melee are behind in Gnomer…

The good news is, garbage rogues like you would finally learn how to play a proper rogue.

the fact you dont trinket the fear and dumpster the priest is kinda crazy but okay.

blind it, gauge it, wait it out??? wound poison?

why would you… fight a metalock, stay away from that?

cant use the toolkit if you are in a CC/stunlock, but you wouldn’t understand it, you get played by other people rather than play them.

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I do, he disperses. meanwhile he is invulnerable, dots kill me. Don’t be fkin ignorant just because you cant kill a rogue.

this change has basically gutted the rune complete for hunters, like reduce it to 20% or 10% or something, dont just remove the original concept completey, jeez.

thats basically a 30% dps nerf, mm and bm are total bs, so what now? hotl buff bott or what?

why would any raid take a range hunter over a lock, ele sham or mage