Season of Discovery Hotfixes - 15 October

Do your bloody job and nerf this hero class into the gutter. Absolutely disgraceful what you devs call “balance”.

Thank you for Kill Shot change! Amazing

August 1, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Molten Core
    • Players can no longer line of sight Flamewaker Priests from Sulfuron Harbinger or outrange them to prevent the cast from Dark Mending, it must be interrupted!
    • Adjusted the recast time and cooldown of Dark Mending so that players can interrupt more sufficiently.
  • Shaman
    • The Spirit Wolves summoned by Feral Spirits should now display all four of their active abilities on their pet bar.
  • Warrior
    • The Tier 1 Warrior 2-piece set bonus, Tactician, will now correctly reduce the cost of Meathook.

Yep, pretty much.
They have no clue about hunter PVP design.
Entrapment was one of the ways to get some range.
Now they removed all real hunter CC, gave others retail mobility. Made trap trinketable.
Hunter PVP is unplayable. A class with minimal range that has no tools to get range, while other classes are swimming in mobility and utility.

At this point, it’s pretty clear that the dev team should be replaced by someone capable.
It is not acceptable for the dev team to be this incompetent in the year 2024.
Who is balancing this? That person needs to get fired imho.

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plz give warlock dot crit without using a rune like boomy & sp and move the unstable affliction rune to helmet.

would make affli/sl playable for once.

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Mine displays only 3 not 4, the move speed buff is missing i assume still.

i love how the blue is literally pretending you don’t exist despite your constant whining.
this is exactly how to deal with paladin posters.

hey main tank shammy here.
any chance you could buff tank warrior’s threat output anytime soon?
they are in desperate need of some fixes.
i can’t use my abilities without yoinking threat from them.
hell, i can barely have lightning shield ticking without it stealing their threat.

its like “ok warrior you tank X” and then on pull warrior goes “you want me to tank X or not? stop taking threat omfg” despite me never touching X outside of flameshock and LS ticks.

the vast majority of the time it ends up being a “ok i guess i am tanking everything” kind of pull.


August 5, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Each side of the Poacher’s cave tunnel between Searing Gorge and Burning Steppes now has an independent cooldown, allowing curious players a quick return option. Smoke asphyxiation still prevents more-frequent usage than twice an hour.
  • Druid
    • Moonkin Form now also decreases all threat generated by Nature and Arcane spells cast by the Druid by 30%.
  • Hunter
    • [With scheduled maintenance] The Hunter T.N.T. rune now increases Explosive Trap initial damage and Immolation Trap periodic damage based on 25% of the Hunter’s Attack Power (was 50%). It also now uses the higher of melee and ranged Attack Power (was always melee Attack Power).
  • Mage
    • Fixed an issue where the Mage Healer 2-piece Molten Core set bonus did not working properly. The benefits of the Temporal Beacon will now work properly during the last 6 seconds of its duration when used with this set.
    • Fixed an issue where the healing from Mage Regeneration was not increased by the effects of Mage Arcane Blast.
  • Paladin
    • [With scheduled maintenance] Retribution Paladins in Season of Discovery now gain 6% threat reduction per rank of the Vengeance talent, but this threat reduction is disabled while Righteous Fury is active.
  • Priest
    • Homunculi will now be less aggressive in seeking nearby targets to fight that the Priest is not in combat with.
  • Rogue
    • The Rogue 6-piece set can no longer trigger incorrectly from Sebacious Poison.
  • Warrior
    • Khonsu should now always speak the correct line when players are victorious.

Cool, but where are the REAL juicy balance changes?

No rogue nerf, both in pve and PVP.
No shaman nerf.

No single target normalization for all specs. We dont need the same damage, but 50% differences are extreme.

add 3% hit to that boomy form and they’re maybe gonna be playable in pve :joy:

thanks for the trap nerf tho , let’s hope alterac are playable now.

You really gotta do something about paladins their bubble and the burst. Its a joke, worse than traps ever was.


Wow another hunter nerf, didnt have many of those yet… Maybe it would be nice to remove alot of the dmg from traps but give the hunters something back in ranged AP?

The current trap play is forced on us and i bet many dont even like it… Provide a good alternative and traps wont be used anymore outside of the situational use.

PVP is in the worst state since launch can we do something about it? ya all need to fire up the ptr and get some feedback over there basicly all classes needs adjustments the game is too 1shotty yall were on the right track with the major DR in pvp tested some months ago. the game is unplayable right now.

okay good changes but where the hell are the shaman nerfs? unironically ignoring the biggest issue consistently and trying to gaslight other classes is lame.
High sustain, damage, CC, roots, mobility is all what shamans get, making them effectively unkillable for the majority of classes.
Earthshield/Riptide are dirt cheap for the healing they dish out, out healing any damage taken.
Riptide/Flame Shock triggering free Lava Burst damage which has a 50/50 on doing another LB for half damage.
Flame Shock is literally overtuned, it is a combo of both balance druid dots and SP dots in terms of damage.
Address this you lazy bums.

rogues whack outside of CDs and opener, besides stacking stam as lock just beats them outright.

now horde can grind even easier wins, the favortism is real.

Hey, traps now scale of RAP pretty nice and later will be more dmg

just killed melee hunter, like stuck a shotgun to the head typa killed, it was allrdy awfull -.-

The trap nerf is genuinely hilarious and shows they have no idea what they are doing. The change nerfs ranged hunters by a tiny amount, since their RAP is just under double their MAP but with half scaling, so this really only nerfs melee hunters who are the literal worst dps in raidlogs rn besides demonology warlocks.

Please tell me the hottfix to reduce Paladin damage / attack speed while bubbling will come next week :slight_smile:

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better nerf hunters again :rofl: