Season of Discovery Hotfixes - 15 October

Now you only have to add +healing power to the Mildly Irradiated Rejuvenation Potion, and it will be fine :slight_smile:

So, as i see Blizzard dev doing “great” job. They made most of the servers empty :smiley: Giving example Chaos Bolt from Full/High now is medium hahah

Any plans to change “improved slam” warrior talent? 2slam runes must have drained all the creativity

Great Job is Great Job. It’s Not A Magical Cure For Jealousy & Laziness. We live in a world where everything should be handed over straight ( ‘’ Leveling takes too long, Gold farming is boring, Grinding is boring blablabla ‘’ ) & Also we live in the world where everyone NEEDS to be the best of the BEST. But how can that be, how can everyone be best of the best tho? How can u give everyone same Bowl of stew when one hates meat, one hates vegetables and third just hates the stew?


By the way, they released a new hotfix and didn’t bother updating this thread for us Europlebs:

Great to see your racism against euro’s alive and kicking Blizz.

So MM Hunters, MMMMMM :slight_smile: It is probably the end of the season for range Hunter, and even Melee is struggling to get a group. I do not speak about range or BM at all. Those who play and push know what I am saying.

First of all PVE - It’s dead, and unfortunately, the rule of WOW is that, if you do not do DMG you are trash, so even the guild does not want to take MM as DPS. Do not get me wrong DMG are good but all others have 20-40% higher. So what’s a point to take you? Lots of Blizz will say it should be played for fun, but what I see is that SOD going to retail. MMORPG is not Warzone or BR, its MMORPG. Is not about timer and meter its about a journey in which you can feel powerful in the role that you like.

Regarding PVP - lots of saying it’s hard to buff because of big numbers. And what about 5 mage groups spamming in STV events and killing all and healing them self Is it ok? I do not get why Classic should go by retail competition mode. Ok, then do Solo Shuffle then, to compete, why not? Do PVP raids then, etc. And also buff hunter in PVE servers. But it’s not happening.

I do respect the work that had been done by this Blizz team, and this is why sometimes they should do what is need to do instead of listening to PVP players. Or in the beginning, just write, HUNTERS will be trash.

Honestly, I started to play as a healer, instead of trying to complain, but it feels unfair. then you are killed by 5 mages in STV. Ou ye you also can do dungeon solo. NICE. PLAY ALONE ALL TIME IS A SOLUTION FOR MM HUNTERS :smiley:

GG hopes to see some changes and updates. And one more time, the game is nice and this is why I am crying that some points are unfair. Do not kill it because of 2% of pro-payers. Do it for casual people. Retail is killed by a pro. And this is why you lose so many people. By the way, nice changes for retail dungeons.

Should come in very handy, judging from how regularly and frequently my fury warrior dies.

wonderful changes! drop p3 now pls

Can Blizz now finally nerf Mutilate and buff other glove rune options? Most overtuned ability 2024.

I always use the us site for news, they dont bother posting here

There is a bug in STV when you are releasing with corpserun that window not pop up when u at your dead body as a ghost.


Please remove paladin bubble , most broken ability since 2004. Or their other blessings That make raid mechanics non existant. Ty in advance

No hotfixes today?
Just leaving SOD to rot while you work on Plundernite?

It’s what they are best at.

  • The fact that drain life doesn’t break when the lock dies or a hunter uses FD is weird, Vanish/Bubble breaks it.
  • Rogues Mutilate is literally the strongest melee ability for rogues, Envenom doesn’t exist basically in PvP and in PvE it still does less than Mutilate. How is Mutilate still broken and not nerfed to smithereens?
  • Not to mention Shamans literally global you from 3k HP down to 0, this crap ain’t balanced and needs adjusting ASAP.
  • Ranged Hunter still doing less DPS than Melee Hunter, Hunter was never a melee class to begin with, nerf Melee hunter or buff ranged abilities.
  • Racials are still imbalanced, something that was said we shouldn’t worry about because there was something in the works of getting them more balanced, yet NOTHING has happened. Wth.

If anyone really thinks about WoW SoD developers being good, think again, their balancing has been literally on trash.

Probably not nerfed because rogues are garbage and the only gameplay you can enjoy as a rogue is to stunlock and kill noob clothys 1v1 if you get an opener on them.
Other then that they are literally useless.

Rogues perform well enough in PvE and overperform in PvP because of Mutilate costing 40, generating 2 CP, hitting hard and no positional req like backstab or ambush. That is literally ontop of Shadowstep/even more CC/Slow on Backstab/Ambush/Mutilate.
They touch anything that is not a metalock/beardruid/enhanceWoE and these people melt away with 500-700 mutilates, which can be spammed 3 times before waiting 4s for 40 energy.
One alone does more damage than a Starsurge/SWD, both having 6s+ CD, Muti has a 4s CD if energy regen is considered.

They are ranked as number 11 dps spec in Gnomer the last week. Behind shaman tank, feral, ret pala ect.
Being the only class that dont bring anything else than dps that is probably one of the dumbest class balancing Blizzard have ever done.

Everything you talk about is 1v1 PVP in open world. They are not OP by any means in any BG and they are terrible i STV. Where castergroups get 1500-3000 coins every event, rogues only get invited to stealthgroups and get 200-600 coin unless they can leech of a castergroup/guildgroup.

People cry about mutilate being OP just because they get ganked once in a while in open world. Thats like 1% of the gameplay.

IMO Mutilate should get buffed with 20-30 energycost and increase damage, or better yet change the meta, boost Saberslash/sinisterstrike and let rogues play combat wich is by far the most fun spec to play. Mutilatespec neither good dps nor fun gameplay. Pressing 2 buttons, having 1 cooldown that makes you crit once every 2 minute, yey

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they sit comfortably in the mid field, good enough for a raid that barely requires any dps checks if people have enough braincells to care about.

Which is a whole different can to actually nerf, a tank shouldn’t out DPS actual DPS classes.

Pretty good in WSG as defender, and STV is a clownfiesta for the majority of it, rogues and enhance by far get the best melee treatment.
Warriors/Rets get trolled and kited in that event.

Not sure what you are talking about, I’ve seen rogues in melee cleave grps already.

let’s not make mutilate more busted that Sinister Strike and Saber Slash are even worse in comparision, am sick of this Mutilate busted meta, you do not even consider other options in either PvE or PvP, you always pick Mutilate.
Buffing Saber Slash for PvE would be a welcome change, especially when Combat is a more fun spec to play with than Assassination in PvE.