Season of Discovery Hotfixes - 15 October

As Hytin said ,Hunter changes were never implemented on EU servers

any idea why this happened? I don’t think its fair to have two different versions of the game

my quick idea is that some GM copy -pasted more than intented and the changes was for next week, but on the same time there is a separate post about hunter buffs.

2nd more logical idea is that they patched some test server they have and it broke the game. since wow is like million lines of code , also alitle bit spaggeti code as popular a youtuber said. so i guess/hope they are just working on a fix.

Not deployed to EU and the date is incorrect. We’re in 2024 now

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maybe its not somethink gamebreaking but it might be some wrong interaction exploit that we are not aware so the changes didnt happen on EU.

i have new 3rd idea, maybe they figured that you can go lock and load > trap > double aimshot > multi > chimera and i bet nobody can survive that so they are pushing back on changes. on the same time i dont see how you can just use half the patch for EU.

4th idea. they have more changes planned for today so they are waiting to push them out all together.

What happend is indeed very strange and i cant recall in my 20 years of playing this ever happenning so im very scared of idea no3.

I would like to add again that what muep said is true, there is like no EU employee anymore. need to wait for afternoon.

I realy realy hope what spadqin says is true and hunter changes is like a secondary minor patch and they simply forgot it.

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some of us got a raid tonight… please fix HUNTER on EU


i just have no luist on the raid when i know that tonight the hunters from US make more dmg like us hunters in Eu just because it’s 2 different patch standart, hope the SOD devs read about this soon

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I doubt it’s the 3rd idea cause you can already 100-0 people with just 2 chimeras anyway lol

Well, when do you actually plan to give us those Hunter Hotfixes on EU, while US have it and EU has all the other stuff but nothing for Hunters. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

To do that you need 2x chimera crits assuming target have 4k HP like me in full pvp gear, currently with full pvp gear i have 18% crit the chance of 2xchimera crits back to back is 3,2%.So Hunter cant 2shot some1 yet. Actualy chance might be even lower than that because Chimera Serpent dmg might not crit automaticly if chimemra crits.(havent tested that yet)

Nerf rogues, seriously. When there are only 2 classes that can somewhat reliable matchup with rogues damage, CC and mobility, and one of em has to spec into it, then you know Mutilate and other runes from rogues need to be hard nerfed into the ground.

It takes close to negative effort to beat anything at all as rogue unless its a dwarf pala (humans get farmed) and frost mages.

As a feral druid this latest patch is just disappointing. I can not properly express my frustration at the complete lack of any necessary adjustments.

This lack of a much-needed implementation is simply deprecating.

Please, buff more the Shadow Priest, is not enough! I’m waiting 50% more shadow damage next week! :rofl:

April 25, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Using an Unconscious Dig Rat no longer dismisses pets.
  • Mage
    • Displacement no longer functions if the most recent use of Blink was on a different continent or in a different instance.
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April 29, 2024
Season of Discovery

  • Shaman
    • Rolling Thunder can now trigger from Overload versions of Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning.
  • Warlock
    • Felguards summoned by Warlocks will now have their appropriate demon names, instead of just ‘Felguard’. This name will not be permanent like other Warlock pets, and the Felguard’s name will change upon every summon.

More buff instead nerf for shamans, kill that game completely!


Again fixes for classes that are OP in PvP, goodjob. Do a hotfix to nerf these classes already.

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May 8, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Fixed an issue with Efflorescence generating frequent immune messages on totems.

Woah, such a “fix”, you really doing nothing for the game dontcha? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Best fix I have ever seen even Cata classic! Well done dev team glad youre doing the job youre paid to do!

Cataclysm Classic

  • [Professor Thaddeus Paleo] has returned to Stormwind and Orgrimmar to continue collecting Darkmoon decks and he will continue to do so until the opening of Darkmoon Faire Island.

Season of Discovery

  • Fixed an issue with Efflorescence] generating frequent immune messages on totems.

So many bugs on both versions but oh well :rofl: