Season of Discovery Hotfixes - 2 October

Actual clown “hotfixes” for the event, it takes 1-2 mins on high pop servers with multiple layers to activate the event.

What are these changes/fixes, it took you 1-2weeks to fix the spell pushback on filler spells and to refix Starsurge to it’s original state of hitting people or not? Have some priorities jesus christ.

Then for what is this rune then useful, with the recent buff to AoW, absolutely noone will play GbtL outside of tanks. This was the only thing making GbtL relevant outside of dungeons. Actually killed off a rune, this should’ve been /cancelaura macro’d off possible than nerfing the utility of this rune.

The changes that made the event worse, honestly if you even tested it people should be able to:

  • paladin/lock mounts
  • lock/hunter pet related activities
  • buffs
  • weapon embues/seals
  • auras from hunter/pally
  • potentially more stuff

Also the BB guards attack you while you are in the event??? Lack of testing and brain.

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It actually works out to 67%. They also sneaked in a extra 5% on the base damage, which is currently on the new update but they applied it anyway after telling everyone it was 30%

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What’s that 1% difference if the nerf is overkill? 20% nerf, easiest fix.

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not accoring to blizzard themselves:

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Please can we make Chronostatic Preservation function with mouseover macros? It’s obnoxious af that our new on-demand heal doesn’t work with the most common method of healing.

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Guarded by the light “fix” made it mandarory to pick art of war and not have options for different content, like pvp and open world stuff. Being able to cancel it was no issue apart from holy paladins never ooming. For ret you could remove it but still only have mana for 3 holy lights and then juggle to regen that mana, also it was nice to use rank 3 soc judgement on cd for while, now cant so wont oom too fast, now just waiting for crits with 13% crit chance to boost dps.

You bubble with this rune on and you get 2 holy lights off during the bubble, not full hp and almost oom, great rune.


Yes that’s not actually blizzard doing the tests it’s been done by a player & reported. Who knows if it would have even been picked up if it wasn’t tested by the playerbase. Again just another example of the incompetence of the dev team not being able to apply a simple damage modifier without messing it up.

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What is this scoreboard they are mentioning and how do i see it?

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Blizz hasn’t given much thought about the STV event and thought this would be fun, the harsh reality is simply:

The event is a lagfiesta with layering issues and somuch more. Since the recent changes to the STV event, it has been anything but fun.
The debuff from dying is still not working as intended, you cannot do anything except very few abilities/mounting/etc. , classes getting screwed over by this, basically this is 2.0 GY camping for blood edition, and thus unplayable.
Abilities are getting delayed, Auras are not being shown until it’s quite literally too late, and PvP trinket is worthless, which makes any kind of PvP unfun.
Literally any kind of event needs to be tested on the PTR, this cannot happen again.

The only change to fix the current clownfiesta designed by clowns is to:

Revert it back to the 2nd update of the event
Debuff being shown, it’s 1min, players can actually do anything to prepare themselves, literally the best version of the event period.

Tl’dr for the devs:
Stop sitting back counting the blizz bucks and fix this broken mess of an event, even Ashenvale was more playable than whatever STV is.

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Nice, party buffed now 3200k Hp Ret while SthV Eve :joy:

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Yes starsurge needs to be instant cast, no mana required, and 2k flat damage crits every time with 3 sec cd. Druids need to have Starsurge on every single slot of their action bar to have their revenge in vanilla. We demand Starsurge to be further buffed so it can one shot everything in PvP and PvE. We want to see 40 druids vs ragnaros and any boss. Starsurge must have additionally atleast 60y radius. Thank you.


yea and bellow Blizzard guy (Josh) replied that its indeed a bug and not correct - hence what i said.

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February 16, 2024

WoW Classic: Season of Discovery

  • Druid
    • Starsurge was incorrectly getting 30% additional critical strike chance when Eclipse (Lunar) was active. It now only gets 30% increased critical strike chance from Eclipse (Solar).
  • Hunter
    • Chimera Shot - Scorpid is now properly mitigated by Weapon Chains and reduction to Disarm effects.
  • Paladin
    • Fixed an issue where Seal of Righteousness ranks 4 and higher did less damage than rank 3. This fix has been applied to Season of Discovery and Classic Era.
  • Priest
    • Spirit of Redemption will no longer be prevented from triggering for Priests whose Dispersion or Pain Suppression is on cooldown.
    • Each Priest now correctly creates their own separate stack of Mind Spike effects on the target, and consumes only their own stack.
    • Fixed an issue where Prayer of Mending was double dipping with Spiritual Healing, and was also increasing by 10% per bounce on top of that.
  • Shaman
    • Fixed an issue where the benefit of Dual Wield Specialization rune could be lost for Shamans when swapping weapon configurations.
    • Fixed an issue where Stormstrike would sometimes do offhand damage despite no offhand equipped.
    • The range on Decoy Totem is now the correctly intended 30 yards, matching the radius of its effect preventing movement impairment.
  • Warlock
    • Subjugate Demon used against players in Metamorphosis now has a 10 second duration, with diminishing duration like other crowd-control effects used on players. It is considered a Charm effect like Mind Control.
  • Stranglethorn Vale PvP Event
    • Warlocks and Hunters participating in the Blood Moon will now resurrect with their last active pet.
    • Fixed an interaction with Blood Moon and Spirit of Redemption resurrecting the fallen Priest earlier than intended.
    • Fixed an issue with Blood Coin turn-ins when a player is the victim of Subjugate Demon or Mind Control.
    • Drained of Blood during the Blood Moon event now also grants immunity to movement impairing effects.
    • Fixed an issue where stacks of Blood for the Blood Loa could sometimes exceed the intended 255.
    • The Chosen of the Blood Loa will now be visible in the spirit world.

Hello guys,
Could you please adress some bugs for shamans ?

  1. Bug : Earth shield rune would be our only way to cast anything in pvp as eye of the storm never triggers. But this rune is bugged and still has a flat 100 healing since level 25. Every sham is complaining about it but you seem to ignore it. I wish you could even buff the pushback resistance from 30% to 50 or 70%. Indeed, its not possible to cast any lavaburst in pvp, or just against newvies

  2. Improvement : Lavaburst is really painful to use in pvp. 20m range because of flameshock, from 3.5s cast (because of flameshock) to 9s cast (because of pushback, if they dont cs ofc). An increased range of 6m for lavaburst (through the elemental talent) and increased range for flameshock through the rune power surge would be cool.

  3. Bug : the rune fire nova does consume elemental mastery, but doesnt trigger the critic… :x could you fix it please ?

  4. Bug : power surge doesnt provide the mana regeneration its supposed to give. It gives 1.5% every 5s instead of 15%.

  5. Improvement : lightning and chain lightning damage is so weak compared to lava burst… maybe we could transfer some of our lava burst damage to these iconic spells.

Other classes benefite from such new amazing runes, we did not get such a thing to my opinion. Im here to main shaman elemental, but for now only tank is really great.

Thanks devs for the work,

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Hello team,
Could you please adress shamans’ bugs ?

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I don’t know what happened to layering in STV, but since this morning it’s seems completely impossible to get a 5 man group stick in the same layer.

From two events’ experience today, it feels completely chaos. I have no chance of playing with my team mates.

People are trying now to group with randoms by yelling for invites to look for other solos in the same layer. But even then, you can get swapped into a new layer which that group you get invited to is not even in.

Completely impossible to play in a team

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Fix the layering on STV event. It doesnt work to group up with people, everyone is different layer… Done STV event 3 times in a row, same time each time. Everyone complain about it. Fix it. Blizzard multi-BILLION dollar company btw.

SW D still hits 1.4 k instant where player HP in open world are 1.2 k-2k ?!?!?!??!?!? Instant cast. Literally 1 shotting absolutely every class in 1v1 right now, void plague + dispersion + SWD.

Fireblast hits for 1 k instant cast.

What about the nerf of 400 noncrit and 800 Crit with 3.5 second cast ability on Starfire?!

Very balanced indeed

warlock/mage/rogue/shamelem/hunt still need their 50% nerf damage


Nice! Still lots that could get more balanced but Im sure you’ll figure it out :slight_smile: