Season of Discovery Hotfixes - 20 March

November 26, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Chronoboon Displacer
    • Items that share exclusivity with world buffs (Horn of the Dawn, Songflower Seed, Shimmering Globe, Overseer’s Anvil, “Defective” Magic 8-Ball, Firewater Cauldron (stacking change only), and Spirit Conch):
      • Will no longer be removed if the person with the consumable leaves raid.
      • Will extend the duration of the appropriate world buff instead of replacing it.
      • Now stack up to 5.
      • Known issue: these consumable items list their duration as Until Cancelled instead of 1 or 2 hours. That will be corrected in another hotfix.
  • Druid
    • Improved Moonfire now correctly increases the damage of Starfall.
    • Improved Moonfire and Moonfury no longer affect base damage of their associated spells.
    • Improved Moonfire and Moonfury now affect the entire damage of their associated spells.
  • Hunter
    • Tranquilizing Shot no longer has a minimum range.
    • Trueshot Aura will now grant the Marksmanship Hunter using it 100/150/200 additional ranged attack power (was 50/75/100).
    • Melee T2.5 set 2-piece bonus now increases Wyvern Strike damage over time by 50%, and increases the maximum focus of your pet by 50 (was Increases Wyvern Strike damage over time by 50%).
    • Melee T2.5 set 4-piece bonus now increases the impact damage of Mongoose Bite and all Strikes by 15% (was 10%).
    • Beast Mastery rune now increases your pet’s damage and health by 15% (was 10%).
  • Priest
    • Shadow Priest T2.5 set -piece bonus now increases the damage of Mind Spike by 20% (was 30%).
  • Rogue
    • 5 damage set 2-piece bonus will now only affect Saber Slash and Mutilate (was Sinister Strike and Saber Slash).
    • 5 tank set 2-piece bonus will now persist for 10 seconds after using Main Gauche (was tied to having the Parry buff active, and fell off when an attack was parried).
    • The Attack Power ratio on Instant Poison with Deadly Brew has been increased to 5% (was 3%).
    • Slaughter from the Shadows Ambush and Backstab increased against non-players increased to 60% (was 50%).
  • Shaman
    • 5 Enhancement 2-piece bonus that increases the damage of Stormstrike and Lava Lash by 50%, is now twice as effective for 2-handed weapons.
    • 5 Enhancement 4-piece bonus now causes your Stormstrike, Lava Lash, and Lava Burst critical strikes to burn your target for 30% of the damage done over 4 seconds (was only Stormstrike and Lava Lash).
    • Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj 3-piece set will now correctly increase the damage of Lava Burst from Overload.
    • 5 Enhancement 4-piece bonus will now correctly work with Off-hand Stormstrike.
  • Warlock
    • Haunt’s increase to Shadow damage over time effects increased to 40% (was 20%).
    • Haunt now correctly has a return animation.

okay and now nerf healer defensives in BGs, literally every healer spams Barkskin, SR and Dispersion vs 5min defensive CDs from a ST healer in PvP.
Literally unjustifyable with current damage reductions vs the unnerfed healers.

Shamans as well need to be strongly adjusted if Boomie got gutted from doing healing and being tanky with FR/SI.
Literally the all in one package with being

  • tanky,
  • having spelldamage that is also AOE
  • wolves
  • AOE roots
  • AOE slows
  • grounding and decoy
  • healing instantly for 80% of their time
  • AOE mana restoration every minute

And jesus christ nerf the horde PvP racials to the WoTLK state if you change bubble to the WoTLK version. Hardiness is busted and so is WoTF.

and “Bugs can fly” because of that change

we could do with some additional paladin nerfs, they are still wreaking havoc in pvp even in their bubbles.

perhaps add the 100% attack speed slow back onto bubble along with the recent 50% damage reduction change.

its a defensive spell after all.

shaman in its entirety is supposed to be a hybrid class.
every spec is supposed to be a hybrid spec that leans more favorably towards one aspect of the usual trinity of roles.

so i.e
resto leans more towards healing, but can’t do damage.
ele leans more towards spell damage/casting but can do minor healing and is weak in melee.
enhancement leans more towards melee damage and spells but can’t heal.
tank can tank, and that’s all it can do because every rune slot is dedicated to tank runes.

dots tick for more damage than the healing shamans who aren’t resto can do, so pack up the BS about “insane hybridity” because blizzard took that away months ago.

and so are paladins and boomies, oh wait they both got nerfed so the one true kingman stands above them all.

visit the shaman discord, it is still a lot of healing and damage coming from ele / resto in their opposite ends whilst being tanky with SR and potentially WoE against physical DPS.

the cope is unreal.

you were brought down to the level shamans have been operating at for 2 phases and now you feel the sting of hybridity going bye-bye.

fair is fair.

adapt and overcome.

not true.

such loweffort response, ah well apparently you know all about shamans pvp without playing the actual class.

4 phases and still going lol.

we lost Sheath of Light bonus heal around the same time you lost Mental Dex bonus heal and didn’t get AoW instant FoLs or HLs in return like you did on Maelstorm Weapon with LHW and HW.
Enhance was a better melee in PvE and PvP until people hit level 60, talk about balance.

any and all shamans will tell you healing outside of resto is garbage.
you are completely fabricating any evidence to the contrary.


so what happened to “4 phases and still going”?
you contradict yourself before you’re even done writing your posts lol.
maelstrom healing was gutted the same time mental dex healing was, which is what led to hybridity being removed.

the riptide and earth shield nerfs took that gutting and twisted the knife so all healing runes are dead for non-resto shamans.

so you’re saying enhancement shaman needs buffs then, because by your own admission they are bad at it.

can’t wait.

are paladins even remotely as tanky as shamans? the answer is a definite no, regardless of both losing their +healing, shaman at the end of the day still won that trade.

what, healing from LHW and HW is still better than any of those three: Flash of Light (almost same as an individual bandage tick from heavy runecloth), Divine Light and Holy Light.
Deny it all you want, the fact is simply, unlimited mana from SR will simply allow you to spam any of those 2 whilst taking 20% less damage from all sources on a min CD. Healing is garbage you say? More so you were finally forced to use normal heals which unfortunately didn’t change a thing to the hybrid garbage blizz decided to give shamans and only shamans.
Not even boomie is allowed to have fun with heals, tankyness and damage anymore.
Yet we ignore all of that when it comes to adjusting and nerfing shamans who still do have those aspects in fullest without any tunedowns.

riptide still has a thing going for itself, cough instant CH boosted by 25% on riptide targets.
ES still good, anti spellpushback. People who ain’t as bad as you still use it.

lol, more viable specs whilst paladins got realistically one? yeah great idea.

you look at biased rankings rather than the communities opinion? thats low lmao.

multiple things will always out dps one ability, what did you expect, that happens to rets too.

which can generate quite fast FYI.

dont like the truth that people have been playing against in form or ele resto, ele warden? They will survive that CD with mana and HP to spare. There’s 0 downsides from using that ability and you know it.
There’s multiple from just using Matyrdom, you take minimal damage, you have to hit people with it and it can be deleted thanks to one priest or shaman.

It’s not about the numbers, it is about having the chance to get a proc for an instant cast CH that is boosted by 25% on any active riptide.

rets not even good at damage compared to shockadin.
healing is not even close and tankyness you might aswell meme it.
like i said, play the class and get some experience on it or dont talk about it. literally looking like a fool.

that rank lists are literally made by the community, lmao.
grasp harder, wavé.

normally, healing is supposed to at least stall the health bar from going down when you spamheal.
dots OUTDAMAGE healing spam.

also it doesn’t happen to ret (paladins in general) because you can cleanse and bubble to wipe all dots.

lmao, sure wavé, i’ll just generate maelstroms faster than the speed of light so i can heal myself for 600 hp every second while avoiding the CC brigade entirely.

the downside is the cooldown, and the fact that its our only defensive/survival cooldown.
sometimes you gotta blow it just to live for 10-15 seconds and let the mana regeneration go to waste, meaning we end up not having it up when we actually need it for mana.

its a good thing it has no cooldown, so you can just reapply it.

dude, no shamans beside resto uses chain heals.
its not a thing.
stop saying its a thing, because its not.

rets literally one-shot people.

You two are spamming tbh

you mean by one or two people that believe they represent everyone in the community? LOL.

lets cleanse UA, get silenced, die to the remainer of dots. Still clueless.

a cooldown that lasts for 15s. so basically you are “vulnerable” (no not really) for 45s. he forgot his totems that literally eat damage.

play pvp, then it is a thing.

massive casino class that one shots PvE people, PvP geared people will usually survive any ret burst attempts. That is where Shockadin is better at.

how about doing something about scarablord quest chain? grind for rep ok it the true test imo quest after fine sweet but how about drop changes? and to let multiple people loot quest item like dragonic books googles? just stupid to keep this way it if allready almost dead server on horde? and get failed because of this “stupid” limit/timer not casual friendly like in p1-p2 epic craft quest item on the quest all could completed it once^^ getting kinda booring to kill smae boss mob like 15-20 times^^ smart desing? right and casual friendly desing^^

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Its not suposed to be easy

Can you just make her non-civilian again? Bloodmoon Event isnt a battleground we queue. We have to get there before it starts, group up etc. There are still random skirmishes between horde and the alliance groups before and after the event. This feels like one of those insurance scams where people jump infront of cars.

Hunters not even needing to land traps now in order to reset chimera shot is taking us right back into p1 meta of stack hunters, they don’t even have to be good anymore they can legit whiff every single trap and back pedal, have garbage awareness and it makes 0 difference just spam chimera shot on CD with trap into air absolutely 0 braincells required at all. Shamans flame shock legit now being 60%+ of their damage after the latest burn buff, lightning shield 2nd, while remaining tanky as crap to basically every single melee in the game besides maybe ret/shock when they play warden spec. a 6 sec CD filler ability ends up being number 1 dmg across the board that becomes basically impossible to fully dispel off the team before it gets applied again followed by a passive. And that’s just from a single shaman, more often than not its never just 1.

Blizzard stop ruining PvP every single patch update and do some sort of damage control before launching this :poop: you clearly have the capabilities of making this not apply to players with the latest additions to boomie nerfs and the rogue rune that clearly states “Against non player targets” can we start doing this with the most absurd changes you are making recently that is just downright breaking any form of balance in pvp at all. This game is already sitting on the very edge of that cliff face in regards to balance in the first place. You are basically drop kicking it off the god damn mountain at this point…

I’ll say it again. Make it make sense for once. Stop going 2 steps forwards and 10 steps back every single time you do a balance tuning. I get it that those classes need the PvE buff but when you have said in the past that classes that are clear outliers in terms of balance get a tuning pass. (Boomies recently) And then you buff the 2 classes that have been on the end of tuning passes in the past for very obvious reasons and just ignore the fact that it’s AGAIN going to break any form of balance we have in the pvp side of the game. Have the last 6 months of changes just been completely forgotten when it comes to PvP? You nerf these classes in the past for PvP because they are overperforming in a similar area and now just undo that nerf when they were already in a perfectly fine spot for PvP. And now they are back to being total abominations after 1 single change.

Hunters and Shamans DID NOT need the damage increase in pvp. Especially not in the form of Chimera shot resets/killshot and Flameshock pad damage/passive. Stop buffing the most degenerate playstyles to be even more overperforming than they were already.

We have a PTR for this reason. Either have people with actual brains playtest the specs in pvp before shipping it live, or use the community to actually give feedback rather than have to listen to us complain for the next 2-3 months before you have to inevitably change it anyway. Listen to us complain for 2 weeks on the PTR instead of it being something that turns active players away from the live version of the game because the balancing choices are questionable as hell at times.

SoD has been great and I wouldn’t go back to another version of classic now. But damn you guys have it almost at the point it feels good and then fumble the bag so damn hard its crazy.

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and while they are at with balancing, might as well treat horde racials the same as bubble with making them the WoTLK versions of those. Because we all know they can do it.

WoTF would then share a 45s CD with PvP trinkets and Hardiness would be a stun DR reduction instead of full blown resists.

Healers haven’t received a healing nerf in PvP since their last nerf in like P3 or something, whilst damage dealers get the screw you treatment and renerfed in P5.

boo hoo muh bubble nurf unfare.
dude, stop it. you’re pathetic.

as long as perception and stoneform gets the same treatment, sure.
and no, hardiness should not be turned into wotlk status cus its literally worthless flavor trash in wotlk.

if anything, they should reduce it to 15% down from 25%, but literally nobody in existence prefers duration reduction cus its useless, other than paladin andies like you who crutch on your HoJ to get kills.

healers need a buff to their healing, not a nerf.
healing in pvp is insanely merciless on all healing classes.
heals cost too much mana and heal for too little.
a mortal strike or a poison makes healing impossible.

once again you show just how out of touch you are with how this game functions.