Season of Discovery Hotfixes - 4 March

maybe its not somethink gamebreaking but it might be some wrong interaction exploit that we are not aware so the changes didnt happen on EU.

i have new 3rd idea, maybe they figured that you can go lock and load > trap > double aimshot > multi > chimera and i bet nobody can survive that so they are pushing back on changes. on the same time i dont see how you can just use half the patch for EU.

4th idea. they have more changes planned for today so they are waiting to push them out all together.

What happend is indeed very strange and i cant recall in my 20 years of playing this ever happenning so im very scared of idea no3.

I would like to add again that what muep said is true, there is like no EU employee anymore. need to wait for afternoon.

I realy realy hope what spadqin says is true and hunter changes is like a secondary minor patch and they simply forgot it.

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