April 4, 2024
Season of Discovery
- Players can now correctly activate their other talent specialization while under the effects of the preparation aura in Battlegrounds.
- Druid
- Efflorescence will now work properly when Swiftmend is used on a guardian or pet belonging to a party member.
- Shaman
- Healing Rain can no longer be cast when targeted a non-player (as intended in its text).
- Nightmare Incursions
- Vengeful Ancient and Doomkin are now categorized Elite (was Rare Elite).
- Credit for defeating Larsera, Florius, Ylanthrius, and Tyrannikus is now awarded cross-faction.
- The Blood Moon
- Zanzil the Outcast
- Ward of Zanzil will now despawn after 30 seconds, summon a reduced number of zombie skeletons, and will be recast less frequently.
- Ward of Zanza no longer has totem immunities, and Zombies will despawn after a short period of time.
- The Crystal Shore Blood Moon graveyard is now farther north.
- Zanzil the Outcast