Season of Discovery Hotfixes - Updated 12 January

reconsider following please:

  • Rogue’s Between the Eyes is a ranged Kidney Shot + Damage, remove the damage aspect.
  • Rogue gap closer removed or paladin gets a gap closer, simple as that. (their slow).
  • Shamans Ancestral Guidance does a 1 to 1 heal to damage conversion on flame shocked targets within 40yards, basically they heal and deal 300-400 damage per heal within 40yards, are you for real? basically you die to a thorns like effect which is on a 2min CD, utterly busted crap which should be 50% less in PvP.
  • Shaman’s Overload/Lava Burst, either nerf Lava Burst damage or change Overload to be 25% on Lava Bursts.
  • Hunter and Warlock pets chasing you WHILE STEALTHED. please just fix it, its literally a bug.
  • priests being able to stun you from 3-4 different dots, which is almost guranteed to happen. Or full heal with penance.
  • remove the world buffs movement speed increases

From what I can see in this lua error I cant see any attachment to any addon function

i just need to write something :x

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@blizz when do you change the game again

1k dmg from range? in 6 seconds?

Fake news confirmed. L2p issue.

@Blizz you better putout some update next reset. Certain things are literally not okay with SoD. It is literally a shameful state to be in with Druids/Hunters being too good at what they do as of now.

it is Shame though, was fun while it lasted :smiley:

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It is in the end people that create games and content, not almighty robots from another universe

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Paladins need dmg buff, all the talks and they are not even in middle now

Lego boyzzz

January 2, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Two additional Spirit Healers will be present during the Battle for Ashenvale in the northwest of the zone.

Disable gold mining nodes please, they progressively replace iron and it’s almost impossible to find iron until the next server restart

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Disable premades in WSG or make it so they queue against other premades. We don’t care nor need any additional spirit healers in Ashenvale.

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massive update :rofl:


They’ve been on holiday break and went to drop something small “Quality of life” in Ashenvale to start with.
As of right now, I don’t think they will fix something like WSG with phase 2 being around the corner. (I could be wrong, ofc.)

Buff warlocks and warriors!

It is a lot easier for them to buff something if you tell them what they need to buff and not just the class :stuck_out_tongue:

lol no xD

they both are the best classes of their categories (melee and caster) learn to play your class if you find them weak …

imo best caster class at least on pvp is priest

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Mages are dealing dmg and healing at the same time + farming world + rushing dungeons
Priest are mountains in pvp + healing raids