Season of Discovery Hotfixes - Updated 12 January

Isn’t the eclipse 4 time stack supposed to give you instant cast for starfire?

Absolute clow show.

  • nerf druid to the ground, so he is useless in all things in PVE and also in PVP
  • leave the others untouched and enjoy the 3k lava bursts or 2k SP one shots

Well done blizz.


Remember this? How can you swing the same spell so wildly? It didn’t do enough damage from the beginning, so you buffed it and now it’s doing too much damage so instead of knocking it down by a small amount you cut it way down while buffing a spell that doesn’t do much damage anyway.


Seems like they assigned class balancing to an intern who rolls a dice every once in a while :stuck_out_tongue:


They fired the wrong one

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A friendly reminder that enhancement shaman is still bottom dps. Even after putting all talent points into a melee tree we’re still on the very low end while Hunters are with melee runes alone top melee dps. Please either buff enhancement tree or some Enhancement runes. I don’t even need to be first dps, but I want to have the chance for invites to play the game as dps in raids at least…

worst patch ever , you forgot to nerf hunt/SP/warlock/mage/shaman dps by 50%.

might aswell delete starsurge rune and give something else since you have no clue how to balance things.

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Bug with new patch, got locked to raid on a fresh save. Went into raid Wednesday 14.02 to try and deliver a token and a quest, and got locked to a fully cleared raid. Any way to reset the lockout or any one who has had a similar issue?

I don’t believe this is working as intended yet. The recent hotfix that was released, Feb 12th, assuming it has been applied to Europe servers as of this morning - it states that the Item requirements for the quests “Power of da Wind”, “Power of da Earth”, and “Power of da Water” have been reduced - but they are still 10 per quest. Is this a bug?

So uhm… what was the reason for warlocks and paladins to not be able to use class mount when they have the Drained of Blood?

Gz blizzard next dead class now is the druid again a dead class i love whhen papa blizz ccome with nerfs on the wrong classes hunter shadow wl all behter classes and he nerf spell how make dmg on druid nice gj waht ever wow is dead all time same

yep but he give starfire a bufff XD a spell so you dont use it bbut hey maybi he bbuff qwith next patch roots dmg by 60 % :smiley: