Season of Discovery Phase 3 Content Update Notes

its totally fine to remove damage reduction from soul link while in meta, but maybe still let them get the 3% bonus damage. would be kinda sad if the last point in the skill tree would be useless.


Not anymore. We will be below mediocre now.

I don’t even know what class will perform worse than us on ph3. We might actually be the worst dps class.

You know we get backdraft right? Its effectively a 30% reduced castspeed, as long as you keep the buff up. Wlocks still gonna be great

Nah just tired of this clown dev team never giving warlocks anything.


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You lost SL with Meta and immediately you became F tier and unplayable? what are you smoking?

Can you pls exploit the explorer imp as long as you have game time and send us the money?

Already uninstalled mate sorry

Spending time in forums of a game you uninstalled… stockholm syndrome? might need some help then

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We’re here playing a 20 year old MMO that has been recycled for the 5th? 6th? time.

I dont think we should start pointing fingers at eachother in terms of who needs help. We are all a bunch of losers out here my man.

Yea but we’ve accepted that. We don’t act like drama queens that uninstall the game after 1 change and still spend time in forums edited by moderatorabout it, do we?


Just say you don’t know how to play the class and be done with it.

Why does it hurt you that others gain something? I have also grinded Exalted, but I am happy that others dont have to do that painstaking and boring WSG grind.


moderators at least try to censor it into smt that makes sense instead of just putting a “edited by moderator” on it… i bet you can find smt that’s not so offensive for your standards (that seem to be way too high in order to keep the forums “clean” )

Feral druids would have a word with you lol

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Warrior tanks would love to join in on that conversation aswell as long as we dont count phase 1 (and clearly the lock dosnt count it)

Plz Revert the Soul link change, it basicly kills demonology Warlock tank.
Better Survivability was the only thing warlock tanks was good for, everything else that mattered in raids other tanks could do better.

On this point, has there been any update on the Lacerate/Mangle interaction wrt Gore?

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No, not really

I like SOD, but lately, it feels like we’re hitting a rough patch. The ID lock, combined with the weekly raid and the fact that most guilds stick to a core 20, is causing a decline in the overall gaming experience. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish who is truly dedicated to World of Warcraft: SOD.

Additionally, the upcoming expansion, Cataclysm, doesn’t seem to be generating much interest among my circle of friends who play WoW. I believe implementing an ID lock on individual bosses rather than the entire raid would be a more effective approach.

I’m primarily a raider, and I have little interest in the new PvP or PvE content—it just doesn’t appeal to me. Spending four hours in the “Looking for Group” queue yesterday was incredibly frustrating. While my logs may not be perfect, this isn’t a competitive esports environment like CS:GO.

The shift to a 20-man raid format feels inadequate. In my opinion, it should either be 10-man or 40-man, as the 40-man format would encourage guilds to recruit more members rather than relying heavily on PUGs.

No need to nerf the boss, just make the risk of pug and do not put raids with 4 hours raiding.

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I would say the 5-min duration of weapon imbues is hardly an ‘incentive’, in fact it’s a mind-numbing chore that you have to constantly check, takes time to re-apply and eats into the mana pool.

I’d appreciate if you could include paladin on horde side (undead or tauren) and shaman on alliance side (dwarf), for 1. Better and easier balancing. 2. Less frustrating for a shaman/paladin main.

Its season of discovery, why deny people their beloved characters? :slight_smile: Its a win/win for both sides. We shouldnt be locked with racial/class rules in season of discovery =) Thank you

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