Season of Discovery Phase 8 Goes Live Beginning 9 April

Season of Discovery Phase 8 Goes Live Beginning 9 April

The journey through Season of Discovery culminates with Phase 8 beginning on April 8! Experience new outdoor content, a new Legendary weapon questline, new stories and surprises, and the Scarlet Enclave raid dungeon.

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Can you please address the current state of PvP in SoD?
It is an absolute burst meta, cloth wearers getting 1 shotted left and right. The dominant classes like rogues, hunters and retri are absolutely miles ahead of any other class, all of them deal so much instant (near unpreventable) damage.

Please add something like resilience or whatever you put on the Rank 14 weapons to ALL players, as it is more of a corpse run simulator at the moment, far from enjoyable.

so no Horde (Undead) Paladin’s or Alliance (Dwarf) Shamans ? The community want this so badly!

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Guess this is the end of the road.

Can we get this raid and transmogs etc in the Retail Game please ???
It looks better than all the Undermine stuff…

Some of these season of discovery updates do make me a little jealous

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