With hotfixes that are now live, we’ve made a series of updates to Season of Discovery today:
Remnants of Valor now drop from Karazhan Crypts bosses.
Remnants of Valor now drop once per day from bosses in Scholomance and Stratholme Dead Side bosses. These are on the same timer as Tarnished Undermine Real dropping once daily from bosses.
Every zone that has a Scourge Invasion now also has a soul projection of Brother Luctus for picking up and turning in the repeatable quest.
You can now exchange Remnants of Valor for Argent Dawn Valor Tokens from Brother Luctus.
Next week, the Seal of the Dawn will only go up 1 maximum rank, to rank 5.
Developers’ Notes: We previously expected to increase the Seal of Dawn power system to rank 6 next week, but have determined that it would be better to slow it down and possibly cap it earlier than rank 10. This also means that players will not have to obtain as many Remnants of Valor each week. We will continue to track and evaluate this system.
You’ll find these and other fixes in the next Hotfixes Update.
This is indeed a great change. The idlefest in EPL wasn’t even fun. @Kaivax is it possible to adjust even AQ Temple drops at this point. We had whole phase 6 just 4 melee weapon drops. Unlucky RNG for sure, but the drop rates could be better.
you guys anticipated that this system wouldn’t exactly be welcomed with open arms by the community, didn’t you?
you sure were quick with these fixes to the problems you all (as in: the devs) knew people would complain about.
what were you guys smoking going from 150 remnants to 750 PER CHARACTER in the span of a week?
am i not allowed to raid on more than 1 character without having to invest time on nonsense grinds like the remnants of valor?
i have missed 2 kara lockouts solely because i had to invest all my time into getting enough of these stupid things to raid on my main + ONE alt.
first you say you wanna make the game more alt-friendly, and then you pull this BS.
do the right thing and get rid of this system entirely and just release new level seals every week free of charge since you are timegating them anyway, leaving everyone to guess how many remnants are needed from one week to the next.
i like variation.
my main plays the main tank role.
my alt plays healer.
my 3rd alt was supposed to be my dps andy character (warlock) but that ain’t happening under these circumstances.
its always good to expand your repertoire of knowledge of other classes/roles, and the best way to do that is walk in their shoes.
until i made my priest and actually played the healer role in dungeons and raids, i had less of an idea (not completely clueless, however) of the struggles of the role, since my perspective was from a tank/dps role only.
playing a healer role actually helps me better understand the game from the perspective of a healer, which makes me a better tank as a result.
makes sense, no?
there are tanks who are “healer aware” and then there are tanks who aren’t.
that latter one is what people usually refer to as zugzug aka bad tanks.
they don’t watch healer mana bar before pulling/they don’t let the healer drink.
they don’t take cooldowns into account basically ever… (did he just pain sup me a moment ago? oh well, my gut feeling tells me its up again 40 seconds later, so use it again mister healer!.. meanwhile its still on 2 minutes and 20 seconds CD).
bruh what?
what’s the difference?
this is just as relevant today in SOD as it is in vanilla versions of the game mate (and any other version for that matter).
okay man, good on you i suppose?
its a bit irrelevant what your personal opinion on the matter is vs. the objective facts of the matter though.
no offense.
its easy to backsit and yell at a football player on the TV when they make mistakes, but maybe if you’d been in that situation yourself at least once or twice before, you’d know better?
same concept applies to wow.
its easy to just backsit and yell “big heals on me”.
its even easier to do that if you’re aware of what a healer is capable of based on your own experience in that same situation.
“You can now exchange Remnants of Valor for Argent Dawn Valor Tokens from Brother Luctus.”
Can we please also exchange “Argent Dawn Valor Tokens” for “Remnants of Valor”? The exchange rate hasn’t to be the same like vice versa, but after reaching exalted you cannot do anything useful with them. I don’t wanna spend all my valor tokens for craftsman’s writs.
I’d be happy if you could consider this. Thank you!
Why ask ”What’s different” if me giving the reason is irrelevant?
No idea what you were on about here.
My first point was that i can’t see how it’s fun to do the Event, kara and gold for consume grind for more than 1 character, Not to mention the actual hr(s) for the raid.
I don’t know where this ”You don’t understand the struggles of a healer” angle comes from.
Maybe you got hung up on from where in your big message i took the ”Makes sense no?” From.
All i meant was… it makes sense if this was 14 years ago and WoW was the only game and also with a a lot less IRL stuff to worry about