Seeking Advice on a Guild/Alliance RP in general!

Ahoy hoy! I’ve recently come back to WoW after taking a fairly lengthy break, and have decided to attempt a move from Horde side to Alliance side, specifically doing the whole Night Elf drood thing!

I’m wondering if anyone could give me a bit of a rundown of some stuff it’d be helpful for me to know about Alliance-Side RP, and would love some suggestions for guilds that I can look into!

For a bit of extra context, my character is intended to basically specifically be one of the Druid of the Talon units from Warcraft 3!

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Peep the Dirge [PCU] Worgen/Night Elf RP - Dirge of Teldrassil 🌳
I think a druid like that would fit nicely


Seeing you took interest for Elf stuff

This might be an interesting thread :slight_smile:


Hi! You can find a list of some night elf themed guilds here if that’s what you’re looking for in specific:

Edit: Karyin bear me to it

Good luck in your search!


I’ll give it a look! Thanks!


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