Seeking semi-casual guild - Alliance, Mirage Raceway


I am looking for a guild that is not semi-hardcore, hardcore, nor is it casual, but something in-between. Most guilds recruiting here are semi-hardcore, and very few at all seem to have chosen Mirage Raceway as their new home.

Ideally I’m looking for that happy medium between a guild that aims to be reasonably proficient, and able to focus when necessary, but also able to relax. I appreciate such a thing is harder to find.

I can be quite chatty and I’d like to surround myself with people who enjoy the social aspects of the game just as much as they enjoy progression. Banter is totally OK but I prefer witty banter instead of silly.

I’m actually fairly competitive but I don’t take myself too seriously so I don’t get mad when people make mistakes – that just achieves nothing.

Thank you for reading this, feel free to drop replies if you’re recruiting and I sound like a fit!

edit Oh I just wanted to add that I will not be rushing to 60 like a bat out of hell. I want to enjoy the journey as I go along :slight_smile: I will strive to attend most raids, and my hours are currently flexible so I can raid at any time, but 7pm UK time onwards is preferred :slight_smile:

Hello Kesuri! I’m from a guild called ‘‘Blood Oath Exiles’’ which is a PvE oriented guild on the Pyrewood Village server. It’s a guild which is establishing fast and growing for everyday. Our main focus is PvE progression but we are highly prioriting a strong and friendly community together with this. We want every member to really feel that they are a part of the guild. Therefor our leadership is working hard on structure so that we can fill every members expectations and hopes. Worth mention is that a lot of older guildmates for many of us are coming back to play classic in this guild so the community is already strong and people are eager to start playing with eachother again :smiley:

The guild is also looking for more officers of course. Since the guild doesn’t only want to focus on PvE, we want to really be a guild for everyone both raiders, PvP:ers and casuals. So when the opportunity comes we will start seeing to PvP activities aswell as dueling tournaments and guild lotteries just to boost to morale and overall happiness in the guild :smiley:

If this sounds interested please reply or add me on Battle net (Lalle#2152)

Best Regards
Blood Oath Exiles

We used to be on PvE but the reason we´ll go PvP for Classic is because of how world PvP works and how it adds to the lifespan of the server.
Divine Edge will be 95% social and 5% focused during the actual raid, w/o detracting any of the fun you have when raiding.
We will only raid when we feel we are ready and we wanna take our time to enjoy the road to 60.

Hello mate we could defo make a use of you, :slight_smile: !

We´re a bunch of friends whom all played since vanilla,
Clearing Everything:
Molten Core: Cleared.
Onyxia´s Lair: Cleared.
Black Wing Lair: Cleared.
Ahn’Qiraj Temple: Cleared.
Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj: Cleared.
Zul Gurub: Cleared.
Naxx: Cleared.

I´ve lead a guild in later wow succesfully aswell to Ranks in Legion:
Emerald Nightmare: 7/7 Mythic World 564.

Trial of Valor: 3/3 Mythic World 216.

Nighthold: 10/10 Mythic World 298.

Tomb of Sargeras: 9/9 Mythic:
Fallen Avatar: World 26
Maiden of Vigilance: World 16
Mistress Sassz’ine: World 20
The Desolate Host: World 18
Sisters of the Moon: World 22
Harjatan: World 46
Demonic Inquisition: World 36
Goroth: World 85

Antorus, the Burning Throne: 11/11 Mythic World 143.

I´ve added you both on bnet and on discord :slight_smile:

in case u wanna come easier in touch, please join our discord and ask for me or sinned :slight_smile:

Hey is this meaby somthing for you ?

Howdy Muriël and Channah from Anachronos classic are starting their old Guild S&J again .We love to see our old clan back together if its posible. We also like new ppl who are commited to the new classic. We play the game as it should be played and we like to learn new ppl what they need to be learning in this game .We are not a hardcore raid guild but we focus on leveling professions and fun in the game we do dungeons but for fun and if needed for skils and recepi s and formula s.In rememberance Wold of Warcraft where a guild and companionship was most important. We will start up again on realm Mirage Raceway Normal English


Thank you for your quick reply Mojambo.

Regretfully I will be looking for a very laid back semi-casual guild. You guys sound pretty hardcore to have so many high ranking world kills.

I’m looking to take it easy, not rush to 60, and I like it when guilds struggle a bit with bosses – it prolongs the content and makes victory all the sweeter.

If I am misjudging you guys, I apologise.

Would be rude of me not to plug these lot :wink:

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